

Hi, this is just a quick question to ask around, but over at @lobotodatingsim we’re checking to see whether there would be any interest in a short zine of the art of the psychonauts dating sim we are creating, “Dentists Have Fillings Too“.

Dentists Have Fillings Too is a dating sim where you are a potential test subject who is trapped in the Rhombus of Ruin with Doctor Loboto. There’s only one problem. You aren’t a psychic! What’s a dentist to do?

If we were to move forward with this zine, it would likely be 14-20 color pages of backgrounds and illustrations at an A5 paper size from the game, along with a small Loboto and teeth themed sticker sheet to go with it! :D.

We dont want to make money off this, we only want to spread the Psychonauts love, so this likely would be priced from 5-8$USD + shipping, (to cover the printing and sticker sheet costs), and any remainder would be donated to a yet undecided charity.

If you have any interest in something like this, please comment! :D
Thank you for your time :)
