#richard van camp


The Moon of Letting Go by Richard Van Camp.

Have not read it yet, waiting on my copy in the mail!!! But he is brilliant!!!

Congratulations to the 2020 Canada Reads Longlist!NDN Coping Mechanisms by Billy-Ray BelcourtSmall G

Congratulations to the 2020 Canada Reads Longlist!

  • NDN Coping Mechanisms by Billy-Ray Belcourt
  • Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club by Megan Gail Coles
  • Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
  • Sputnik’s Children by Terri Favro
  • Amphibian by Carla Gunn
  • We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib
  • Love Lives Here by Amanda Jetté Knox
  • The Dishwasher by Stéphane Larue, translated by Pablo Strauss
  • Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson
  • The Youth of God by Hassan Ghedi Santur
  • From the Ashes by Jesse Thistle
  • The Lesser Blessed by Richard Van Camp
  • Worry by Jessica Westhead
  • The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter
  • Dear Scarlet by Teresa Wong

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