#richards instagram

richardcarmitage En route pour Marseille pour les derniers jours de tournage. #Damage

richardcarmitage En route pour Marseille pour les derniers jours de tournage. #Damage

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This is a very amazing picture❤️ the way the look each other, Olli’s hand towards Richard…

That is just lovely, great that Richard shares a pic with Olli, one of the guys in the band he knows the longest

…wait, did Olli’s hand slip under the chicken coat there?

Well noticed, this curious hand indeed is on the way to explore! I say this coat is perfect friend-maker. If you want to be touched, put this coat on and everyone will want to pet you :)


From Richard’s IG account

Richards concert-day posts are getting sweeter and sweeter! I feel a hand of true instagrammer here.  Great colors and composition.
