#river water


Misty river
(Essonne at Ballancourt)


What different waters can be used for:

sea: cleansing, healing, banishing and protection

storm: spells with emotional strength, confidence, charge, motivation, force, for curses, to strenghten spells

river: spells for moving on, focusing energy, breaking rought patterns, warding, for powering tools

dew: love and fertility spells, delicate magic, fae work

snow: spells for purity, endings and change, slow working

rain: growth and rebirth, spells to gain power over time

        light rain: get projects started, encouragement

        medium rain: cleansing and growth

        heavy rain: inspiration and banishing negativity

Went hiking with my boyfriend to gather plants and steam water! Went hiking with my boyfriend to gather plants and steam water! Went hiking with my boyfriend to gather plants and steam water!

Went hiking with my boyfriend to gather plants and steam water!

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