

ice ice baby


see for a lot of jinwoo’s actions there’s no good reason behind, and sometimes no reason. today the young boy for some reason was running while carrying a bucket of ice? the reason? jinwoo wasn’t sure, jinwoo’s dad had just asked him to go and get the bucket from a friend and then hurry home, so the young boy as he is listened to his father of course and did that. problem here was that jinwoo was a bit too curious about the ice and focused on the reason behind it, so he wasn’t really focusing that much on where he was running. and before he knew it he was with wide eyes looking at another man who was on the ground with ice over him… what had happened? see, jinwoo had been too caught up in his own thoughts so he had ran into another man and now they were both at the ground, the stranger? with ice over them.

and normally jinwoo does not laugh, not at all yet at the situation he giggled shortly, then realizing what had happened he immediately put away the giggle. “oh gosh” he managed to get out, reaching out and taking the bucket seeing there still was a bit ice left, though majority of it was on the other guy. he didn’t know how to feel, would his dad be mad now? how was he supposed to go home now… and suddenly he realized the other still were here. “wait i completely forgot about you! i’m so sorry… are you okay??”

all that sicheng wanted was to be in his bed. he hadn’t necessarily done anything particularly exhausting, but he was still worn out and ready to be home. he kept thinking about arriving at the apartment and seeking out his roommate, potentially snuggling up with him and simply relaxing. what he should have known is that nothing ever tends to go the way that he hopes they will. there’s always some curve ball or unknown variable ready to take him by surprise. in this particular instance, the scenario that was stopping him was shocking for more than just a sole reason. he wasn’t expecting some kid to be running with a bucket of ice to begin with, and he definitely didn’t foresee the way that he’d slam into him, causing him to lose his balance and end up sitting on his butt with freezing ice cubes making his skin prickle, slowly wetting his clothes.

he gasps and immediately tries swatting them away, not having the time to look over at the one that caused this. despite not seeing him, he hears his laughter. it’s only then that he shoots a somewhat annoyed look in the boy’s direction, slightly shaking his head. then, entirely not helping his case at all, he soon admits that he forgot about himthat fast. he stands up on his own and lets out a quiet sigh, shrugging a bit. “yeah, i’m okay. it’s fine.” if he was truly sorry, sicheng wasn’t going to give him a hard time. it was an accident, after all. “why were you running with all of that ice, anyway?”
