

— god’s menu ;


josie bit her tongue as sicheng teased her, and she was almost tempted to say something just as friendly to him. it was difficult for her not to smile as she tried to appear annoyed, rolling her eyes before looking off into the distance. “you know, there are about a million other people that i could go have a picnic with instead,” she replied, a devious smile spreading across her lips. “maybe i should go ask some of them? they look like they could use me to liven things up a bit.” she was joking, obviously, but there was a part of her that liked to believe that she was right.

“oh?” she questioned, surprised to hear that he had gone through a lot of trouble. had he really put this much effort into this just for her? for a moment, josie allowed her guard to fall, and she prepared herself to look enthusiastic no matter what was in the basket. he had worked hard on this, and she wasn’t going to make fun of him for it. when she finally opened the basket, however, josie immediately closed it again as laughter bubbled from within her. “oh my god, you’re such an asshole!” she exclaimed with affection, lightly punching sicheng’s shoulder. “i can’t believe i believed you actually put something together. but you did buy all of this, so… props, i guess? maybe i should be thankful that you didn’t cook.”

sicheng softly laughs at josie’s response, nodding in agreement at her comment. he knew she was right, she didn’t have to be here with him right now… he deserved that. “you’re right, i’m sorry. but i really didn’t mean any offense. it’s not because you aren’t good enough or something ridiculous like that, it’s just that… i really enjoyed my company. it’s him, not you.” his slight smile remained from when he’d been laughing, and he didn’t see it going anywhere anytime soon. he liked spending time with josie. it was easy.

“mhm… you wouldn’t even believe it if i told you.” although he is aware that he is giving her the wrong idea, he still isn’t entirely lying. without a job, it always takes him some sort of effort to scrape up the money to buy something like take out, despite the fact that all it would need to consist of is a sweet smile and a question for his roommate. he didn’t always like having to do that, though. it made him feel helpless. her response is a lot better than he thought it would’ve been, and he quickly finds himself laughing along with her. even though it didn’t actually hurt, he still grabs his arm and rubs the spot where she punched him, pretending to look offended. “you should be! trust me, this is a thousand times better than anything i could’ve done. it’s from my favorite restaurant, you’re going to love it.”

— god’s menu ;


“what surprises me,” she began, glancing down at the closed picnic basket that sicheng had put together. “is that we didn’t see each other at all yesterday. i was literally by myself the entire time,” she admitted with soft laughter, bringing her gaze back up to the man in front of her. she hadn’t minded spending her time alone, as she hadn’t expected anything different. maybe she could have invited someone to accompany her, but, for whatever reason, she just hadn’t been in the mood. but, when she heard that sicheng had also attended, it had given her an idea: why not have them both go together on day two?

josie spent some time eyeing the picnic basket some more, dying to know what was inside. she didn’t actually expect that sicheng would prepare some fancy meal, given that they didn’t exactly have that kind of relationship, but he seemed to have come through with bringing something. “so, what’s in the box?” she asked, inching the basket towards her ever so slightly. she was tempted to open it, but she figured that sicheng had gone through all the trouble of bringing it, so he might as well get the honor of revealing it to her. “it smells good, at least.”

“well, there’s plenty to do around here and there were lots of people. i guess it makes a little sense that we didn’t spot each other, but… even if i had, i can’t promise that i would have walked away from my company to spend time with you… no offense.” sicheng teasingly grins as josie, reaching out and pulling the picnic basket closer. he could tell that she was eyeing it, which was confirmed as soon as she questioned him about it. his smile grew and he playfully opened the lid just enough for himself to peek inside, then quickly shut it again.

“it’s my very own picnic feast. i went through a lot of trouble to have this for you.” he looked and sounded serious when he said it, soon pushing it in her direction so that she could be the one to open it up. “go ahead. see for yourself. you won’t be disappointed.” he didn’t know whether or not that was true. sicheng wasn’t exactly a chef personally, so all he managed to do was stop at his favorite restaurant, pick up lots of take out, then shove it all into a picnic basket for the aesthetic… or whatever.
