

truth be told, working with eve and luna for an eval again, just the three of them, was as exciting as it was a mildly terrifying reflection of three years ago- a startling parallel yet with so many different levels of circumstances. and maybe, in some sort of weird way, it’s a harbinger of truly starting to get back to normal; because back in the day, doing an eval together wouldn’t have been a question, and lately, even though they’ve all slowly worked back toward some semblance of what they used to have, this one feels like a real step.

doing catallena for a comedy evaluation with them is arguably one of the most fun ones she’s ever done, and when they all realize that the roles for the song parallel their own roles, it makes working on it even better. and though this really isn’t a song she would choose on her own for anything, luna’s choice proves to be one of the best that she’s heard out of the songs and skits floating around seocho.

once again they’re having fun, all of them together like the musketeers that they were- yelling throughout the practice room and executing moves perfectly under rachel’s gentle guidance. and when they perform on the pseudo stage in potentially the most tacky outfits she would ever take part in, she’s grinning, and having the best time of her life because finally, it feels like everything is settling- like all the puzzle pieces finally fit together.


he props his elbows on the ground by his knees. using his hands to hold his chin up so he could look at her from his stretching position. a look of consideration coming over his face as he listens to her. surprised to hear she was a trainee before this–but mostly focusing on her question. he hadn’t ever considered that other companies do it differently than the big 5. that trainees from other companies don’t usually get to work with someone outside the company.

he’s never considered it because this was all he knows when it comes to trainee life. he’s only ever been a royal trainee, and he’s been here over a year now. seonho is rather set in his ways, the ones built upon him from being here for a long enough time. and considering outside training has never been something he felt he needed to do. 

“hmm..” he starts, sitting up again and pulling his legs in so they’re criss-cross. he reaches his left arm across his body and holds his elbow with his right hand. “kind of, yes? at least, it’s been this way since i was signed. generally….. for evals i start in the company if we have free choice. more often than not i end up with trainees from other companies.” he explains best he can, sticking to his own point of view. switching his arms, he finishes off his explination with a small shrug. “its different for everyone, of course, but for me i like working with the other companies too.” 

her next question brings a grin to his face and seonho is quick to push himself up to his feet. energetic as always, the teen starts literallyjogging in place. “well–” its odd that he’s pretty much the leader for this group considering both yoongi and chungha have a handful of years on him in age. but he doesn’t mind helping them get started. “–i we should solidify the formation in the dance, since yoongi hyung isn’t here yet though we can do a few run throughs until he gets here?” 

“must make things a whole lot easier for you, huh?” chungha asked with a smile. she knew that in her company, at least because it was a smaller one, they usually didn’t allow the genders to mix and prepare evaluations together. most of the time they weren’t even training at the same time. much less people from other companies. “it must be due to the merger, right? without samsung, this wouldn’t have been something you guys could do before.” at least, in her experience she’s never heard of a company doing that before.

that left chungha with the choice of seeing her friends – seeing somi and doyeon especially – for some evaluations. it made her smile. “that’s cool though! i think i might do the same thing and do evaluations with people from other companies.” to be fair she wasn’t really left with much of a choice considering a good ninety percent of the current female lineup in kt was a part of kt rookies (and eclipse).

seonho, so far was very … unique, as chungha could tell. the boy literally starts to jog in place and chungha’s eyes widen in surprise. she’s never seen someone so active like this in training. though she imagines doyeon has her hands full dealing with somi doing this exact thing in trc. some energetic leader seonho was going to be. chungha was a little amused to see how the younger would choose to operate.

she hums, nodding. “yeah, i suppose we should.” to be honest, chungha hadn’t heard of the song (maybe she has like once but didn’t really pay attention to it enoughf or her to watch the music video, truthfully). “i have to follow your lead on this one. not only because this is your group but also because you know most of the dance already right? i can help but i won’t know it as well as you do for a bit.”

she quickly stretches, reaching towards the ceiling before rising herself. “what’s up first boss?”


perceptive as always, seonho picks up quickly that the mga’s aren’t something chungha really wants to talk about. he could hear it in her tone and see it in the subtle shift of body language, and ever the kind boy. the teen decided to let it drop there. he wants to go on about how he thought she was pretty awesome–and that her dancing was something he had really admired the few times he watched. but he wasn’t aiming to make her uncomfortable or upset. that’s just not who he is. he won’t pry or carry on a topic that makes someone uncomfortable. 

so it’s easy for him to carry on with the taemin topic. tossing out questions and comments regarding her time on the show. laughter bubbles forward and spills out his mouth when he hears her question. his stretching forgotten for a moment as he just falls onto his side. a fan of taemin hyung. it’s funny to him–mainly because they’re friends–because even before he was trainee he hadn’t been a lee taemin fan. he hadn’t even really kept up with kt trainees–or any trainees for that matter. his parents had drilled nova into his head because thats where they wanted him–and his being in royal had annoyed them a little ( even though they had been content that he was signed at all ). 

“a fan–no no.” he gets out between pearls of laughter. not laughing at her but at the idea–though he hopes she doesn’t get the wrong idea. “taemin hyung is a friend! i actually was living with him up until…well less than a week ago.” he explains. not even hesitating to give up that information. though he didn’t want to get into the situation with his home life or parent situation so he probably shouldn’t have admitted that. “when you do meet him just say you’re a friend of yoo seonho!” he points to himself, a large grin on his face. as if he’s come kind of big hotshot or something–though he isn’t saying it in a cocky way. more just…. overly excited. as he does with everything. 

he goes back to stretching, legs out in front of him and bending as much as he can over his knees. “it’s so great getting to meet and work with you!! i feel like our eval is going to be super amazing because we have such a super amazing awesome group!” 

she’s thankful that seonho doesn’t further comment on the mgas. chungha sucks it up because people ask. even if she looks a bit distant, they continue the conversation. at least seonho was more perceptive than the others she’s met so far. what she wasn’t expecting was the laughter.

it startled her, enough so that she jerks and sits up in surprise, looking over at him with a strange look. “….what’s so funny?” she wasn’t aware she made a joke. oh, a friend? makes sense she guesses. she offers him a small smile. “oh that’s cool! maybe i will if i ever run into him someday. then we’ll have something to talk about.”

her body, although plenty supple, seemed to hum with the pleasant stretches. it woke up her limbs in the best way and left her feeling satisfied. she would need a massage some day because training was already causing her to gain knots in her back but at least the stretches helped alleviate that. “that’s something interesting though,” she mentions with a hum, pulled her foot from behind her forward in a now half-split.

“when i was a trainee, i was a trainee in a small company. i’ve never had other trainees across companies to be with. much less for evaluations.” it was a new (weird) experience for her. having all the major company trainees at their disposal. “is it always like this? do you like….just make groups together with whomever you find in the seocho building?” if that was the case then she supposes she’d meet a lot more people this way.

chungha chuckled. “mind telling me what we’re doing considering you’re the one organising this group, huh?”
