

“I’m surrounded by noonas, that makes the baby by default,” he replies a little too proudly, obviouslt happy with being the youngest in his circle of friends. “Besides, you guys love me being a giant baby,” he chuckles and playfully sticks his tongue out.

There had been a time where Sehun had been tiny, but looking at them now, it’s an idea that was hard to make sense of, specially with the way he towers over almost everyone else. It’s not like Soojung was short, though. She reaches a little past his shoulders, obviously a lot taller than most girls their age, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. If he’s going to be honest he quite likes the way they she seem to be the perfect height for him.

“Nah, I think you’re perfect the way you are,” was what slips past his lips before he could even have a chance to stop himself. He catches himself off guard, but he tries to play it cool by grinning at her. It wasn’t, in any kind of way, a lie - he was sure he wouldn’t be able to lie in front of her anyway. His words were sincere, and he wishes she sees how much of a beautiful person she really is. “If you were any shorter I’d probably crush you. You know how much I love cuddles,” he teases and winks at her playfully.

Sehun finds himself pausing at her words, his mind caught in a sudden blur. It wasn’t unexpected, and it’s not like she had said something out of the ordinary, but he couldn’t help the blush that crept up his cheeks up to the tips of his ears. He clears his throat, embarrased as he turns his head to look forward. “Of course I’ll catch you,” was what he finds himself replying with before he shyly glances over his shoulders, cheeks still warm. “Alright then, princess, where do you want to go?”



[text: princess ❤]
➡ oh so you’ve seen it!
➡ i bought it with a friend do you like it?
➡ it looks good, right?
➡ does it suit me?

( sms:  mon petit copain )
✎ omfg baby no

[text: princess❤]
➡ wha–
➡ but it’s cool!
➡ I’m keeping it :|
