


“i feel like it’s pretty emotional.” she had only heard the song and then she found the english lyrics, it took some time learning even those. it was easy to guess the mood so she could perform it. a slow moody beat, it sounded sad and wistful. it wasn’t until she got her friend to translate that she really understood it.

“i know that…i just get so..anxious performing in front of people. it’s fine when i’m with a group or with my friends, but alone…” soojin didn’t need to anymore. she didn’t do her best on her own and thrived when she had been with her group. “i’m working on it..the show was a good way to start seriously improving.” 

at soojin’s admittance of being nervous, rachel offers a sympathetic smile. not everyone was made to do things solo, and it took a certain baseline confidence to be able to do so. “performing alone forces you to make up for the lack of other voices,” she offers, “being in a group is more comfortable because you can hide during vocals you’re not so sure about.”

at mention of the mgas, rachel again can’t help but be thankful that she’s never been around for it. never felt the need to compete in that way. “the show was definitely valuable experience, i’m sure.” she laughs, “it helps give you a bit stronger mentally, and have better nerves.” and that much she knew to be true, “i’m sure you’ll do great.”


“thanks for listening.” it had been the first words that came out of her mouth once they ducked into one of the recording studios. she wasn’t sure if she should tat on the sunbae to rachel now. it felt weird but those were company dynamics right? either way. she wanted to see if training had improved her skills a singer in the months she had been here. there was no better to way to show it than to do some busking but she wanted to be prepared. 

she had practiced enough by herself. now she wanted to sing in front of a other person before she took the streets. it would help learn to have confidence when she was by herself. “thanks for listening to me..the song i’m thinking about doing is called love lies.” 

“oh it’s no problem” rachel replies easily, partially still on a bit of a high since soojin asked for her own review. it’s understandable in a way, but more confusing than anything. (maybe she wanted to hear from another dancer, rather than one of the other girls more classically trained in singing, she thinks.)

her brows raise at the song title, unfamiliar to her, but intriguing. “ah, it sounds like it will be emotional already,” she teases, taking a seat. “don’t forget that part of performing is your displays of emotion too, you have to fully sell it.” she would know, after busking herself for a year, and the fake niceties played while modelling. 
