

starter for @rkxmark!

eric loves fried chicken. he might even say it’s one of his favourite foods, if not his absolute favourite. maybe he should be more loyal to pizza considering he’s a pizza delivery boy… but who can resist the temptation of fried chicken? it’s even better eaten in the cool evening breeze by the river, beside a good friend. it’s been a little while since eric’s managed to fit in a catch-up with mark, but he’s damn well glad he’s shoehorned it into his schedule now, as he sits with his eyes on the reflection of the city lights on the water. 

“did i tell you about the juicy new family drama i’ve landed in?” he says through a mouthful of chicken. it’s easy to eat away his stress and worries, burying it all under what is probably too much sodium and fat. it’s easy to talk to mark, having known him so long. he feels a lot more at home around him that a lot of his newer friends - something about that connection to LA makes things feel just that little but easier. “found out i’ve got a half-brother and half-sister.” he says abruptly. 

he’s not really sure how to process it, so maybe telling mark, and getting it out, spoken aloud to someone who isn’t involved in the situation will help him work through his emotions surrounding it. though he’d said it so flatly, so matter-of-factly, inside he’s reeling, his brain scrabbling to hold onto singular emotions or thoughts on the subject. it just a lot
