#robbe x sander

embeddedinmybrain: with calloused hands I tasted the softness of the moon - sanober khan Happy Birthembeddedinmybrain: with calloused hands I tasted the softness of the moon - sanober khan Happy Birth


withcallousedhandsItastedthesoftnessofthemoon-sanoberkhanHappy Birthday Twin! @onzeziggy

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wow can’t wait till they’re dating and the friend group goes on another cabin retreat and someone’s like “where’s robbe” and jens like “he and sander are in the kitchen being weird” not like in a homophobic way just like if u peered around the kitchen door you’d be like “wtf” because sander is doing something stupid to make robbe laugh, As Per Usual

when sander pushes robbe into a stack of boxes and is like “oops are u okay” and robbe is on the floor and just laughs in disbelief because he’s like. what the fuck is happening where did this cute boy taking me on adventures come from it’s Cute

who would win? robbe’s loneliness and misery or one (1) quirky boy with bleached hair


when sander is like, a grownup and robbe teases him about his bleached-blond-hair-leather-jacket teenager phase and sander’s like hey you LOVED it and robbe is like *eye roll emoji*

why lie why hide…what i’m saying is when robbe and sander’s kids look at pictures of them in high school and shriek and mock their dad relentlessly and sander is like “hey ur dad was Into It ;)” and they’re like EWWWWW DAAAAAAAAD GROOOOOOSSSSSS. yes i’ve known them for 20 minutes yes they’re already having kids together in my mind


robbe looks sander’s name up in google and his tik tok comes up

when sander is like, a grownup and robbe teases him about his bleached-blond-hair-leather-jacket teenager phase and sander’s like hey you LOVED it and robbe is like *eye roll emoji*


Jack Frost and his soulmate aka. Sander and Robbe

when sander makes fun of robbe for having a crush on him before they started dating and then robbe finds out sander Fell In Love At First Sight and was taking pictures of him on his camera like a creeper and the tables tuuuurn and he can make fun of sander? beeyouuutiful
