#robby x female reader



Poly Robby and Tory x reader.

Gender neutral reader. If I made a mistake please tell me! But chubby reader is picture in my mind but it has nothing to do with the story.

Plot: Tory and Robby have been training a lot lately and their partner misses them. Of course they miss them as well so, they make a cute plan to see their love again. After finally having time to take a break.

Really fluffy! I mean it’s not angst but maybe a little?

Warnings: Swearing, kissing, cuteness.

Length: Short.

It’s been a week, one long week since you have seen your lover’s. Being cobra Kai’s champions or the stars of the team wasn’t easy, especially since the tournament was a few days away.

You felt comfortable in your relationship, having a hot badass girlfriend was amazing but having the same thing in a boyfriend? You couldn’t be happier with who you feel in love with.

But when it comes to a poly relationship you had to make sure everyone got time, and that was something you weren’t getting. They spent so much time together and you barley saw them anymore, the only time you saw Tory was at school and she was tired most of the time.

You missed the hang outs you would have and all the small things, from their smiles to hearing their soft breaths. You knew it wasn’t their fault and you didn’t mad at them because you knew they loved you. But you missed them.

And they missed you two.

You have been hanging around your house with the thing’s they left. Or stolen. You had Robby’s sweatshirt and Tory’s sweatpants, not to mention every stuffed animal they have given you.

The sweet thing is you actually had their perfume, they gave it to you for this very reason. Did they know you had their clothes? No. But did why need to know? Also no.

Right now you sat on your couch watching a tv show, while you cuddle with all the stuffed animals. You could smell the perfume you sprayed on yourself, it was like having them here with you.

So when there was a knock at your front door had you confused, because you hadn’t made plans with anyone. Not that you knew of. So you got up from your place on the couch and made your way to the door.

You open the door and you instantly were filled with surprises, happiness and a little mixed in with confusion. Robby and Tory stood on your door step, having a smile on their faces.

“We brought take out, if you don’t mind us coming in” you laughed and wrapped them into a big hug. They wrapped their arms around you and the warm feeling in their hearts just got bigger.

You pulled away from your partner’s and stepped back into your house and held the door for them to come in. They walked into your house and straight to take off their shoes.

“What are you guys doing here? Not that I’m complaining, which I’m not but, isn’t Kreese and silver working you guys?” You asked as you took the bag of food from Robby’s hands and brought it over to the coffee table.

“We missed you and they gave all of us a time to rest, but I think they had somewhere to go.” Robby took his jacket up and hung it on the coatrack.

“Well I’m happy I get to see you” you moved back over to them and Tory was the first to pull you into a kiss. She hated being away from the people she loved and cared for, it killed her.

You put your hand on her waist and smiled into the kiss. “Hey, I want a kiss too” Robby come over to the side of you. Tory pulled away and walked over to the couch.

Robby smiled as he finally pulled you into his arms and kissed you happily. He missed you so much, the way you brighten up his life. Tory and him missed your smile so much.

“Hey, why are there so many stuffed animals out here?” She moved them over and looks up at you with a playful smile. She came to the conclusion that you really missed them, and so did Robby.

“A even better question is how did you get our clothes? We have been looking all over for them” Your face heated up and you felt embarrassed. You know they had to tease you about this later for sure.

But you pulled away from Robby and looked anywhere but them, and went for the food.“Or way I let you stay after I get what I really want, food.” Tory took a smaller stuffed animal and throw it at you.

Robby laughed at his lovers, he missed Tory smiling like that and just seeing your smile. You chuckled and pulled the food out. Robby sat down on the other side of the cough and that left you a place in the middle of them.

Love is a very strong thing, and the smaller moments mean just as much.

Am I back? For now! Thought I would come back with some a Poly fic because I love them! Request are back open! More characters then cobra Kai but it’s my most popular topic!

Robby Keene x Diaz!Fem!Reader.

This was requested by Anon! So thank you for requesting.

Warnings: Angsty, swearing. I can’t speak Spanish or any other language except for English.

(Not even good English)

Went over board with this so my apologies! Probably more then you wanted.

I’m slowly getting my motivation back.

  • Season one
  • How you met was a very cute way.
  • You went to your favorite coffee shop.
  • You got what you usually got and sat down at your usual seating.
  • Scrolling on your phone and taking a sip of what ever drink you decided to get.
  • When you felt a push on the back of your seat and someone bumping into you.
  • Lucky you didn’t spill your drink but looked at the person who bumped into you.
  • He was a very attractive looking boy who looked at you with a smile, and very charming one.
  • “Sorry I got lost in your beauty”
  • “You almost fell for me, but you almost made me spill my coffee”
  • “I needed at way to get your attention”
  • And that’s out it stared.
  • You both talk with each other and him constantly flirting
  • So you gave him your number and went your separate ways.
  • You both started friends for a while but texted every day
  • You both felt butterflies and always feeling warm with each other
  • Smiling everything one of you texted each other
  • Hanging outs are casual but you both clearly like each other.
  • Until Robby saw you, in cobra Kai.
  • He felt somehow betrayed by you
  • You noticed he was was distant but you couldn’t get ahold of him
  • You heard your bother talking about some guy he saw sam hangout with
  • You were pissed at the guy you didn’t even know and Sam
  • At the party you saw Robby pull up with Sam and you felt a pain of jealously in your chest
  • Then the fight went down and you felt bad but you couldn’t do anything
  • You went to find Robby after and explained everything to him.
  • It went pretty well until you told him your Miguel’s sister.
  • Then everyone went to shit.
  • He got angry at you and stayed away from you
  • For what Robby? Because if your daddy problems-
  • You hated the tournament
  • Watching Robby fight against your team, you somehow felt guilty
  • You didn’t end up fighting him because you got out before you had the chance to
  • You felt anger towards your brother for fighting dirty
  • But you couldn’t shake the feelings Robby gave you through the whole thing
  • Robby looked at you when you looked away but sometimes you did the same to him
  • So you ended up sharing a few looks of guilt with each other
  • Season two
  • He ended up dating Sam
  • You felt jealous but more then anything pissed off
  • He was pissed at you for no reason! And then attacked your dojo with anger
  • Just because of who you were related to he throws away everything?
  • So the whole feud went on until the fight happened in the school
  • You tried to stop Tory from fighting Sam, no matter how bad you wanted to do it yourself.
  • She kisses your brother, her ex, when she was with your ex friend. The boy you still had feelings for. 
  • You tried to fight against it, it ended up happening.
  • Then Miguel fell off the railing as you watch him
  • You’ve never felt so weak and hopeless
  • Season three
  • When you brother got hurt, you took more of a anger side to everything.
  • You needed someone to hate and that was Johnny, and Robby.
  • You tried to hate Robby and trust me you did but you couldn’t truly.
  • You stayed with kreese and he turned you into one of his soldiers.
  • You didn’t tell your mother because you swore to quit
  • After everything Miguel got out of his coma, stared walking, and joined eagle-fang
  • He tried to get you to join but you said
  • “I’m not doing karate anymore” lies
  • Then the cobra kai showed up to the first practice and you where there
  • Miguel felt his heart break to seeing his sister on the wrong side
  • Seasons four.
  • Robby joined cobra Kai
  • Instead of Tory landing the hit on Robby, it was you
  • You told him that he could stay but you stayed far away from him
  • He tried to speak to you a few times but you walked away from him
  • But you grew to live with having him around again
  • You missed him but felt so hurt when he was around even if you wanted him to be there
  • The first real conversation you had was a step up for anything you said to him since he joined
  • “Move you hands like this” -he showed you how to hold your hands while teaching you new moves
  • “Like this?” -you
  • “Yes” Robby
  • You continued to do what you were doing and payed him no mind.
  • Robby watched you from afar all the time and he missed having you around
  • When he saw you smile or laugh with Tory he felt his heart stop
  • He was reminded why he came up to you in the first place.
  • When Kenny came into the picture and finally joined that’s when thing started to get better
  • You took him under your wing just like Robby did
  • Kenny brought you together(thank you Kenny)
  • So let’s just say Everyone saw the way you two acted towards each other.
  • The stares, smiles sometimes, and the tension in the room.
  • Kenny and Tory really wanted to get you together
  • Tory came up with the plan for Robby to go to prom to hurt Miguel and Sam.
  • She told the two of you to go together since your Miguel’s sister and he’s Sam’s ex. Plus so much more.
  • You didn’t want to ruin your brothers night but you really want to spend sometime with Robby.
  • Look wore a red dress, the same color Robby wore so you could match.
  • The whole night you tried to get Sam’s attention to brag that you had Robby for the night.
  • Robby didn’t want to let it show that he didn’t really care about ruining their night And that he wanted just to be with you.
  • Sam differently gave you eyes
  • Miguel wasn’t happy about it. But he wanted to have a good night with Sam.
  • After prom you didn’t go to the party so you told him he could
  • Buthe wanted to be with you
  • You two end up getting fast food and went somewhere to eat it.
  • Empty parking lot, eating and laughing together.
  • Until.
  • “So why did you really hate me, Keene”
  • His faces dropped and that tension was back in the air.
  • “I never hated you, y/n”
  • You laughed at him in slight annoyance
  • “You ignored me, got mad at something I didn’t know and then who I was relate to.”
  • He didn’t answer and it pissed you off. After all he did he was quite and had nothing to say
  • “Nothing to say? Really, you acted like a total dick but you have nothing to back it up?”
  • Robby’s Mind was filled with guilt and the truth
  • “Tell me why? Was I not enough for you? Was I a bad friend? God damnit speak to me robb-Hmph”
  • Robby kissed you in the middle of your rant and you just melted into it
  • You’ve wanted this for so long and you couldn’t pull away
  • “I could never hate you, y/n”

Now after me going over bored with that story here are some HC’s.

  • You both stared to date after prom night
  • Playing with his hair when you guys take a break from training.
  • Breaks include: Leaning on each other, small kisses and small cute moments.
  • The team teasing you constantly.
  • Ice cream dates after practice.
  • Miguel hating that you’re with Robby so fights happen a lot between you two.
  • But Miguel loves you and the same goes for him, but what are siblings if you don’t fight sometimes?
  • Going to Robby after a fight and him holding you.
  • He feels so bad after everything he put you through and feeling like you should be with him
  • You reassure him all the times and him doing the same for you.
  • Sparing with each other and kreese taking advantage of you two being a couple.
  • So does terry because “Everyone has a weakness”
  • Calming him down after the Kenny  thing in the tournament
  • You also give him a talking to because he needed to hear it.
  • Speaking Spanish because he can’t understand it
  • Speaking as if your flirting with him but saying something mean because you find it funny
  • Also giving him a sentence to say and telling him it means something different
  • “How are you twins with Miguel? You look nothing like him”
  • “You calling my brother ugly, Keene?”
  • Sneaking some of your Yiayia cooking because you want him to try it
  • Slowly trying to get you not to trust kreese
  • Being grounded after the tournament because you couldn’t hide from your mom
  • Faked her signature
  • Being scared for Miguel when he hurt his back again
  • Also fighting Sam and letting your anger out on her that you’ve had for a long time. You moved wrong and you ended up losing
  • Going with him to talk to his father but waiting outside to give them privacy.
  • You apologize to Jonny about leaving him and blaming him for what happened to Miguel.
  • You cried yourself to sleep when you found out about Miguel running away to find your dad.
  • You hated he didn’t trust you anymore like he used to. And you were so worried about him
  • You blamed yourself for it and Robby is right there by your side everything step of the way.
  • Angry couple? But soft couple at the same time?