#robe a la turque

Gallery of Fashion December 1794. Robe à la Turque. Evening dresses. FIG. XXXIV. HEAD-DRESS. The hai

Gallery of Fashion December 1794. Robe à la Turque. Evening dresses.

HEAD-DRESS. The hair in light curls; double chignon. the ends returned in ringlets. White and coquelicot striped Barcelona twisted turban, the end falling very low behind. One white and purple ostrich feather placed behind. A purple silk round gown, drawn in the waist; long sleeves, and trimmed with white fur. Coquelicot-coloured sash. Swan-down tippet, Handkerchief within the gown. A string of white beads round the neck. Gold loop pattern ear-rings. White gloves and shoes.

FIG. XXXV. Robe à la Turque.

HEAD-DRESS. Chiffonet made of white embroidered lawn, black velvet bandeau set with pearls. One white, one black, and two white and lilac’ feathers, with a large diamond pin placed on the right side. Petticoat and robe à la Turque of white satin, trimmed with gold foil, and a black fringe intermixed with gold. High tucker of blonde, double plaited. Diamond earrings. White shoes embroidered in gold. Party-coloured fur muff.

Courtesy of world4.eu.

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