#robert walker

Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19Some Favorite Films Noir:The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)Thieves’ Highway (19

Some Favorite Films Noir:

The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed; Orson Welles pictured)

Thieves’ Highway (1949, Jules Dassin; Lee J. Cobb and Richard Conte pictured)

Strangers on a Train (1951, Alfred Hitchcock; Robert Walker pictured)

99 River Street (1953, Phil Karlson; Evelyn Keyes and John Payne pictured)

The Big Combo (1955, Joseph H. Lewis; Jean Peters and Cornel Wilde pictured)

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Each fellow does the other fellow’s murder. There’s nothing to connect them. Each one has murdered a total stranger. Like, you do my murder, I do yours.

Strangers on a Train (1951) dir. Alfred Hitchcock

On this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. CelebratinOn this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. Celebratin

On this day in 1922, a screen legend was born…and the world became a better place. Celebrating the incomparable, Miss Judy Garland! (b. Frances Ethel Gumm; June 10, 1922 - June 22, 1969)

“I’ve always taken “The Wizard of Oz” very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I’ve spent my entire life trying to get over it.” - Judy Garland

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Judy Garland and Robert Walker in publicity photos for The Clock(1945).
