#robin hood x reader


Pairings: Robin Hood x Reader

Author:@garyunwinimagines who also goes by @chipedenspook1997


Words: 537

Notes: I’m back!!! With a different Taron character. Tell me if you all like this idea of expanding to Taron’s other characters or not. I would love your feedback, and I promise that I’m getting to those requests that were sent to me ages ago. I’m just a mess right now and it’s only going to be worse in a week after I see Endgame.

Also please tell me if you would like a follow up to this or not!


“I regret to inform you all that Robin of Loxley was killed in Arabia last week,” The Sheriff announced to the crowd.

You tuned out the rest of what he said. You stopped breathing, you didn’t blink, and most importantly your heart shattered.

“Where’s his body?” You said.

“What was that?” The Sheriff replied.

“Where’s Robin’s body Sheriff? Where is the body of my best friend?” You shouted at him, getting angrier and angrier by the second.

“You see, that’s-”

“DON’T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT! Now I’m only going to ask this one more time,” You took a deep breath, and with the deadliest venom coating your tongue you said, “Where. Is. His. Body.”

The Sheriff turned around and walked away. You were screaming profanities at him as you charged towards wherever he was going to. His guards stopped you.

“(Y/n)!” Will and Marion shouted.

That’s all it took for you to collapse to the ground. Completely broken. You had lost your best friend, and probably the love of your life if you had the courage to tell him. Will and Marion ran up to you and helped you off the ground.

“Let’s go to the manor,” Marion said.

“No,” You said.

“(Y/n) where else are you going to go?” Will said.

You looked up at your friends, “I’m going to find his body. Before either of you say anything, there is nothing you can do or say to keep me from going.”

“You’ll need some items before you go (Y/n),” Marion said.

“All I need is his bow and some arrows,” You said and the next thing you knew, you were on your way to Arabia.

It was another day in Nottingham, you and Robin were about to go horseback riding to pass the time. Well it was going to be a simple ride, until both of your competitive sides reared their ugly heads.

“How about this, first one to the top of the hill has to carry the loser from the stables back to the manor?” You suggested.

“(Y/n) that’s not a bet,” Robin said.

“Fine. What do you suggest Loxley?” You drawled out his name.

“Last one to the top has to go for a swim,”

“That’s not bad,”

“You didn’t let me finish. They have to go for a swim naked,” He grinned.

“Deal!” You shouted and raced towards the top.

A loud bang shook you out of your dream. You remembered where you were at, and once again your heart broke. It was just a memory of him. As you were on your trek to find his body. You waited too long to tell him. You had an opportunity to on many occasions, but you didn’t want to lose your best friend over something you weren’t sure he felt. That feeling had you crying yourself to sleep once again. As you waited another five days until you reached port. Every day the same thing happened, you would sleep and dream of Robin. Then you would wake and cry again until there were no more tears left to cry.

Once you docked, you left the ship and began your quest. You were going to find Robin’s body. Even if you died in the process.
