#roby garcia

“Summer Afternoon” by Roby GarciaOil and collage on canvas18" x 24"For sale no

“Summer Afternoon” by Roby Garcia
Oil and collage on canvas
18" x 24"
For sale now on Mezc Market

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Roby Garcia is a New York City-based artist whose fashion background heavily influences his illustraRoby Garcia is a New York City-based artist whose fashion background heavily influences his illustraRoby Garcia is a New York City-based artist whose fashion background heavily influences his illustra

Roby Garcia is a New York City-based artist whose fashion background heavily influences his illustrations of women in the Big Apple. These ladies encompass the qualities of the modern metropolitan woman: savvy, sexy and stylish.

Discover more of Roby’s art in our Cold Streets gallery: http://goo.gl/5po8Yw

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