
 [ID: A black and white digital comic that starts with Dani at the cash register and Jake leaning on [ID: A black and white digital comic that starts with Dani at the cash register and Jake leaning on

[ID: A black and white digital comic that starts with Dani at the cash register and Jake leaning on the back counter. Dani is a pale skinned girl with a light gray braided hair and a gray shirt. Jake is a gray skinned boy with light gray wavy short hair and a gray v-neck long sleeved shirt and black pants. They are both smiling and laughing until a “ring” is heard. They both look up to see who came into the cafe. Jake is shown to be shocked at who the guest is. Aubrey walks in the cafe. Aubrey is a dark skinned girl with gray short hair with a small ponytail and has a light gray hoodie with a denim vest over it. She greets Dani with, “Hey Dani! How is work going so far?” Dani replies with, “You made it here just in time! We just had the usual rush hour so less customers now. what would you like?” Aubrey walks to the counter where Dani is at with the cash register. Jake turns around with his back turned to Dani and Aubrey. Aubrey replies, “A small iced coffee is good.” Dani says, “Good choice. That’ll be $1.95.” Aubrey shouts, “Thanks!” She pays and walks away. Dani says, “No problem." 

Jake turns back to Dani, holding her shoulder. He asks, "Dani! I didn’t know you knew her! She’s the one I was talking about!” Dani replies with, “Oh! She’s the one that you couldn’t get her name?” Jake said, “Yeah! How did you meet her?” Dani recalls, “She came into amnesty lodge last Saturday and I helped introduce her to the lodge.” A flashback is shown with Aubrey with a choker and a denim jacket. Jake also recalls, “Haha! I met her after you then! I still remember her face after she tried to impress me with her skiing.” Another flashback is shown with Aubrey with ski goggles on and a winter jacket on. A panel is shown with Dani and Jake at the background. Dani says, “You didn’t tell me! That’s so cute!” Jake laughs, “Wheeze! I’m so surprised!” At the foreground, Aubrey has her hands over her mouth, thinking to herself, “They both work here? What has this day turned into?"END ID.]

A gift for @rockindragonz, created by @vanitedraws!

Hello! Here’s this coffee shop AU + pining comic of aubrey/dani/jake! This was super fun to make so I hope you enjoy : >>

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A gift for @thelamejames, created by @rockindragonz!


Strings of Fate

The thing about red strings was that Taako’s had always been connected to something, but it was mostly limp.  Except when it wasn't… There would be flashes where he would feel a tug on his pinky finger, never very strong, but always there, but it would disappear within an hour or so, as if his soulmate was jumping between planes or something.  He tried talking to Sazed about it, but, as with most things toward the end, he just blew Taako off and ignored him. So Taako never brought it up.

Being around the two idiots he called friends now didn’t really give him much of an opportunity to search or bring it up.  Right after the blew up Phandalin was the first time he felt it after joining the BoB. It was stronger this time, oddly so, and it seemed to pull him straight down towards an area just past the large black circle that once was the small town.  For a moment, Taako thought that maybe his soulmate had been in that town they had just incinerated and he would never get to meet them, but he shook his head of that thought and kept moving forward, as one does.

The next time Taako got a blip on the red string radar was months down the line when they were in the orb flying back to the moon base. He felt a near painful pull back towards the ground and had half a mind to try and turn this thing around, but as quick as it was there, it was gone.  He’d missed his chance, and this was his best one yet.


When it happened again, they were on their way to Lucas’ lab.  The pulling was painful, as if fate was trying desperately to get them to meet again.  When they stepped foot into the crystalline laboratory, the string started pulling in seemingly random directions.  Towards the wall, towards the ceiling, and at one point towards a huge crystal monster. At which point Taako thought ‘fuck no’ and proceeded to kick it’s ass, no matter how painful it might be to be possibly killing his soulmate.  When they finally confronted the monster they had been chasing, Taako had an epiphany. The man announced himself as a grim reaper for the Raven Queen herself and it all slid into place. Fate didn’t work cross-planar, that’s why blips would pop up occasionally when he would come top-side.

He stared the reaper down in disbelief, and the reaper, Kraavitz, stared back, then at his pinky, then back.  While he was distracted, Magnus brought his ax down in a wide swing, to which Taako’s only reaction was to cast the spell he’d been readying: evard’s black tentacles.  Magnus and Kraavitz got caught up in them, and as soon as Taako realized that, he dismissed the spell and walked calmly forward.

“You know, I was going to threaten you with being the star of my tent porn,” Taako said, hand on his hip and a smirk playing at his lips 

“I-this is unprecedented,” Kraavitz said, suddenly non-accented.  Taako snorted. Unprecedented was an understatement.

“Hey, uh, Taako?  What’s up buddy?” Magnus said, looking between Taako and Kraavitz.  In response, Taako held up his right pinky finger and wiggled it, then pointed at the reaper in front of him.  “Oh. Oh!” Magnus started bouncing excitedly up and down as he holstered his ax and began to squeal in the most un-Magnus-like fashion they had ever seen.

And honestly….the rest is history.
