#roger salt


Qilin fic prompt

Qilin really frustrated me because Roger just dumped Sabine’s items carelessly on the ground. And the ticket inspector hardly got reprimanded for his behavior! Marinette also annoyed me. If her Mother’s Day gift is late, then it can wait a little longer rather than being late for their lunch and borrowing her mother’s money for it! And Sabine already paid for the tickets! The bus driver saw them. And thanks to Marinette, they have to pay a fine???

Alya is a dedicated blogger. Since there were no video recordings of the fight, she decided to get a personal statement from Sabine and Marinette.

Her readers were disgusted by how the ticket inspector and Roger handled things. And for Roger to ignore Ladybug during an Akuma fight? How dare he?

The ticket inspector’s boss is a fan of the Ladyblog and decides to send him in for training again. Along the way he decides to test the inspector’s judgment to see if he really is impartial. The inspector fails the test and is subsequently fired.

Roger is facing pressure from the crowd from his mismanagement of things. Hawkmoth takes advantage and akumatizes him back into Rogercop. Of course Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat him.

They encourage him to ignore the haters and focus on his own improvement.

This makes Roger remember he never really apologised to Sabine.

He visits the bakery and gives her an apology gift: a calligraphy painting of the Chinese character for justice/principle/humanity

Bonus: maybe some salt for the bus driver and passengers for not even helping Sabine.
