#rolfe kessler

 Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters || The Haunted CarouselRolfe KesslerThe work goes slowly, but it g Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters || The Haunted CarouselRolfe KesslerThe work goes slowly, but it g Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters || The Haunted CarouselRolfe KesslerThe work goes slowly, but it g

Nancy Drew Posthumous Characters||The Haunted Carousel

Rolfe Kessler
The work goes slowly, but it goes. I just completed the fifth horse, my favorite so far. I call him Foxfire, which is a phosphorescent fungus that grows on rotting wood. I’ve always thought fondly of that name. Every night music plays in the ballroom above my workshop, every night a hundred feet scamper back and forth overhead. When I complained to Mr. Rousseau, he said that if I worked in the daytime like everyone else, there would be no music to bother me. He doesn’t understand that I can only work when the world is as I feel—dark, dangerous, unknowable. But you understand, my darling wife. You are the only person on Earth who has ever understood everything that can be understood about me. And I miss you terribly.

Amelia Kessler
But by 1921, his severe mood swings, and his angry insistence that that the horses he carved existed as living creatures in a parallel dimension, had finally driven his wife, Amelia, away for food. When he realized she was never coming back, he put down his carving tools and went looking for her. It took him two years to find her. She died of tuberculosis soon afterwards. No one knows what became of Kessler after that. Homeless, friendless, and now passionless, he simply vanished from history.  

Darryl Trent
My father was a frustrated inventor. After he died, I discovered … that… in his study. In his will, he said he made it just for me. … My father said he invented Miles in order to reacquaint me with my childhood. It always bothered him that I was never as happy-go-lucky as he was.

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