#roman roy


Roman mocking Shiv’s “fucky eyes”:

Roman looking at Gerri:

Gifs stolen from @timotay-chalametand@lousolversons.


his business suits and mediocre pussy captivates me


roman roy


tumblr post by @thecryptkeeper reading "the way ive seen ppl talk abt their male faves now like 'he looks like a soaking wet kitten id rescue from a cardboard box in the pouring rain and im about to nurture him back to health with a warm saucer of milk' "
Tweet posted by The Mountain Goats reading "feel like Twitter doesn't care about men who express themselves by sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room meowing #menwhomeow"
Text reading "PERSONALITY: Pathetic wet dog of a man"
youtube comment by 33kingofkings reading "I want more of this miserable man lol"
tumblr post by @eleventh-earl reading "his swagless looks and his cringe fail personality have captivated me"
Tumblr post by @jorgenotfound reading "he might be just some guy to you, to me he's my little skrinbly doo sckrunkly belyflop ongle dople ketchup packet babу kitten meow meow jump rope sparkle princess"
4chan post by Anonymous reading "oh hes so sad and broken and ridden with guilt i want to fuck him"

a collection

succession is a comedy (full video on youtube — 7 more minutes of out of context glory)
