#roman stuff




  • melampus:blackfoot
  • ichnobates:tracker
  • pamphagos:glutton
  • dorceus:gazelle
  • oribasos:hiker
  • nebrophonos:deercatcher
  • laelape:hurricane
  • theron:hunter
  • pterelas:wingy boy
  • agre:hunter 2
  • hylaeus:woody
  • nape:valley girl
  • poemenis:shep
  • harpyia:snatchy
  • ladon:bitey
  • dromas:speedy
  • canache:loudmouth
  • sticte:spot
  • tigris:tiger
  • alce:strong girl
  • leucon:whitey
  • asbolos:soot
  • lacon:howler
  • aello:stormy
  • thoos:fast boy
  • cyprius:cyprus boy
  • lycisce:wolfdog
  • harpalos:snatchy 2
  • melaneus:blacky
  • lachne:fuzzy girl
  • labros:rowdy boy
  • argiodus:white fang
  • hylactor:barker
  • melanchaetes:black-hair
  • theridamas:killer
  • orestriphos:mountain boy

It should be added that these all occur in one short passage as they eat their master Actaeon.


really love reading about the meanings of greek and roman names especially when you put them next to each other because ancient greek names are like “this is War-wounded, son of Griefbringer and grandson of The Hated One and Plague-Upon-His-People” while roman names are like “this is Onion McDrinksalot and he belongs to one of the most important families to ever live in rome”

#names in greek myth esp go hard like achilles and odysseus and pentheus are all terrible and loathsome#meanwhile romans are like. here’s cicero his name means chickpea and hes our president

there is no exaggeration here whatsoever. greek and roman names are equally bonkers in different ways.

i tell a lie

a real roman would be called like

