#ron speirs imagine


So i decided to do Speirs as my first official comeback fic. I think it has the potential for a second part so if someone could request it so i dont feel like i threw it upon people that would be great but if people would like a second part please let me know I’m nervous about posting this after so long so any feedback would be appreciated.

Basically the plot is secret feelings hidden by stolen cigarettes and i tried to be fluffy? 1.5k words.

Stolen Cigarettes

“Are you creeping around on me?” Ron asked to the apparently empty room, except for him of course. Y/N jumped out from behind a half-blown up wall, trying to scare him. She was somewhat successful, while he did jump, it wasn’t out of fear or being frightened, he just hadn’t expected someone to jump out from somewhere and cling to him.

Ron half expected her to follow him, it was as if she followed him around in this war to play innocent pranks on him. Y/N and Speirs have been friends since they first landed in Europe, Y/N saving his life on D-day. To say the friendship was unexpected, by the other men, and both Ron and Y/N too would be an understatement. Y/N liked the way he treated her, as one of his equals. He never for a moment doubted her capabilities or treated her like a fragile flower that needed to be protected or kept from harm, but he always looked out for her. It was a rare occurrence to see one without the other, Ron always had her at his side.

“I got you, Sparky.” She laughed as he tried to push her off him. Eventually, she untangled herself from his back and placed her two feet back on to the ground. Unwrapping her arms from around his shoulders, she grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, placing it into her own with raised eyebrows, daring him to do something. If looks could kill Y/N would be dead. He flashed her his signature death glare. The silent yet murderous way his eyes followed her every movement would have anyone fearing for their lives, but Y/N wasn’t phased.

"I hate you.” Ron blew out the smoke in his lungs, watching Y/N take the last drag of his stolen cigarette.

Y/N rolled her eyes at the man sulking before her. “You love me.“

What she didn’t know was he did in fact love her, Ron loved her more than anything. He never expressed these feelings to her, deciding there was a place and a time and in the middle of a war wasn’t either. He just watched her and hoped she couldn’t hear his heart beating against his chest. While he knew Y/N didn’t mean what she said in that way, he couldn’t help but wish she did.

Ron watched her lips wrap around the end of his stolen cigarette and knew she was hoping to get one very last drag out of it before she had to put it out. He knew he spent too much time admiring her, but at the same time, he wondered what her lips would feel like against his. Would they be soft or slightly chapped from all the time she spent biting them?

“Making me your best friend was the best decision you have ever made.” The sound of her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, yet his eyes didn’t leave her body. He never thought he could find someone stomping out a cigarette so attractive, especially the way her hair fell him her face.

He couldn’t agree with her more, even if she was purely messing with him. While they were complete opposites at times, they were more similar than either realised. They knew each other as well as you could hope to know another person. Both knew what the other would say, or do, or how they would react before they had a chance to do anything. They were similar and by contrast, completely different from one another. Y/N was fierce like him, yet she was soft in ways he was rough. Whatever he couldn’t be she would be for him, and he would be whatever she needed him to be. He would be anything she wanted him to be. He would willingly surrender into the unavoidable feelings he held for her.

Y/N couldn’t pinpoint the moment she knew she had fallen for him. Maybe it was somewhere between the long nights they spent sharing foxholes and the playful bickering that unfolded between them behind closed doors. All she knew was the man that stood in front of her, her best friend, was the man she couldn’t live without.

"Shut up.” Ron groaned with a badly hidden smirk returning to his face he rolled his eyes. They stared at one another for a moment, neither needing to say anything, just enjoying each others company. What both didn’t know was the other was trying to memorise every feature about them as neither wanted to forget what they looked like just in case the unthinkable happened. To break the silence he lightly pushed her shoulder forcing her to step backwards, her foot getting caught on a loose brick lying on the ground. She fell back onto her ass with a screech that could only be compared to a cat.

At first, she was unimpressed, the look on her face evident and her shoulders began to shake. He was really worried that he had hurt her, that she had survived months of bullets and bombs flying past her only for his playful shove to be the thing that got her sent home. The last thing he needed or wanted, was to hurt the person he loved, whether she knew it or not.

The fearful expression on his face was the thing that set Y/N off, the thing that caused her to audibly laugh. His facial expression made her wish she had a camera so she could capture the moment and relive it when she needed a reason to smile. Relief washed over him, and the breath he never realised he was holding was let out, his body relaxing immediately. He joined in her laughter, also finding the situation humorous. Tears were in his eyes, making it difficult to see the girl lying on the ground in front of him. Neither of them could stop, one look at the other caused them to start all over again. He never thought he would find a time to laugh during war, but here he was shaking with laughter with the one person he never intended to get close to, the person who turned out to be the unknown love of his life.

“Ron?” She called his name, holding her hand for him to help her up but he was still laughing and didn’t notice. She called his name a few more times but nothing happened. Y/N took her helmet off her head and threw it towards Ron with all her strength. It missed him of course, he moved at the last minute, causing the helmet to land somewhere behind him. He continued to laugh and he began to walk away. “Don’t you walk away from me after causing serious injury to me.“

He was walking towards her helmet, to pick it up for her, all the while still giggling like a small child. Ron gathered himself enough to reach a hand out to her. With a small ‘oh’ escaping from her mouth, she took his extended hand when he returned the confused look she had on her face. He pulled her up with all the strength he had within him, causing her to crash into his chest face first with a small thump. With a mumbled apology, Ron looked down at her and only noticed how close he was to her when she looked up at him with her beautiful eyes. Neither one moved away despite knowing they should.

Taking a deep breath, it was Y/N who made the first move, and not the one she truly wanted to make. Instead of leaning forward to kiss him, she stepped back, but like they clumsy person he always reminded her she was, she almost fell again. Without thinking, Ron caught her in his arms as if it was instinct to keep her safe. A sweet smile crossed her face and once steady on her feet, she dusted her OD’s off as best she could. After several attempts, there was no improvement due to the permanent layers of dirt that lived on them. She gave up, realising she wasn’t going to get any of the dirt or grime off them. It caused her to wonder if a person like him could ever really love her.

Looking up at Ron, she nodded towards her helmet, silently asking for it back.

“Are you going to throw it at me again?” He ruffled her already messy hair, thrusting her helmet into her chest. As tough as she was, he was still stronger than her, and it almost winded her.

Y/N took hold of it, placing it back onto her head before he gave out to her for not wearing it, not as her best friend, but as her Captain. She punched his shoulder as payback for pushing her, and because he dodged her helmet when she threw it. ‘Asshole’ she mumbled jokingly as she pulled him by the front of his shirt towards wherever she could find them both a semi-decent cup of coffee.

"You stole my cigarette.”

“I borrowed it, you big baby.”

