#ronaldo fryman

i drew a ronaldo head while watching rising tides / crashing skies

i drew a ronaldo head while watching rising tides / crashing skies

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It’s Time to Duel!

As part of a move to raise revenue, Funland Arcade begins hosting a tournament for the trading card game Familiar Monsters, with the grand prize being the ultra rare Mystical Lord Dragon trio of cards and a new membership with Funland. Hoping to undo his lifetime ban, Steven sets out to learn the game from Ronaldo, a former winner of the Familiar Monster World Championships, in exchange for giving him the Dragon card missing from his collection upon winning. However, as he enters the tournament, he discovers that Connie has also entered, hoping to snag the remaining two Dragons missing from her collection for herself, and begins annihilating the competition. Which of these fearsome fighters will obtain the sweet taste of victory? Will Ronaldo ever get his Dragon card? And who is this mysterious masked man in a fur coat seeking to earn the cards for himself? Find out next time on Familiar Monsters SU!

Nervous Ronaldo

One of Ronaldo’s ghost hunting expeditions goes very awry when he is discovered by a small group of Homeworld Gems camping out in an abandoned airfield near Beach City. With the rest of the Crystal Gems away on vacation, Peridot and Ronaldo are forced to deal with this situation on their own. While Peridot has a plan to get them off of Earth, it involves finding a way to help Ronaldo keep his cool while dealing with a pack of alien warriors that want to kill him for finding their hideout.
