#rooster bradshaw



mav keeping all those pictures of bradley and also goose and carole over the years. mav having flashbacks after bradley played great balls of fire on the piano at penny’s bar. mav canonically being bradley’s adopted father until he pulled his academy app. mav taking the blame because he’d rather bradley resent him for the rest of his life than carole. mav desperately not wanting to lose bradley like he did goose. mav and bradley flying that f-14 together. mav and bradley BOTH saying (variations of) talk to me, goose. mav and bradley still loving goose so fucking much. mav and bradley encouraging each other. mav and bradley saving each other’s lives and refusing to apologize for it or leave each other. mav and bradley repairing their relationship. Mav And Bradley.

i am absolutely 100% wholeheartedly in love with this man



Kiss me baby

Mmmmh, it feels good

Hold me baby

Well I’m off to love you like a lover should

Oh you’re fine, so kind

Got to tell this world that you’re mine,mine,mine,mine

@princessmisery666 can’t get enough

I cant even…I just cant!!
