#rooting for you



Imejdjjddjddj omggg I am literally so close to finishing htkag

I started the final scene today

No idea when I’m gonna finish it since I want to slow down a bit. Really take the time to make this scene as emotional and heartfelt as it deserves to be.

But I literally cannot wait to finish writing it so I can share it with some of you at last!!! I’ve been dying to see some reactions to it lmao

I also cannot wait to start talking about my next wip!! But the thing with that is: my characters need some more work, I don’t have a setting, and I don’t have enough story events to make an outline. I have names and vibes of my characters, a plot of the story, the genres, only a mere handful of scene ideas, and that’s pretty much it. Sooo yeah lol

Overall though I think I’m just one giant ball of excitement and anticipation rn
