#roswell new mexico


I’ve never been more for Michael than when he surged forward against Jones grasp and growling that his mom was good and causing the first flicker of fear in Jones.

Gonna get dinner done and eat with the husband, then I’m gonna make popcorn, grab the Pepsi cream soda and Vanilla Coke, the candy apple caramel lollipops, snuggle in my oversized hoodie blanket with the doggo and watch Roswell NM.

I may post here and there but most likely won’t until after the show.

I hope the finale brings everyone a little something their hoping for

It’s 6 am and I’ve been up with an anxious dog most of the night because of a thunder storm and I’m just thinking about whether Michael and Alex will say ‘Il ove you’ to each other tonight and whether it’ll be a big dramatic declaration a la Tarlos on 911 Lone Star or a quiet I’m home like the couch scene and who will say it first.

I’m leaning towards wanting Michael to say it first but since Alex has been laying down some declarations this season (burn the world down, I joined DS for you, etc) I can see it being him.

Every single person has had a face to face run in with Jones except for Alex and Sanders.

The Pod Squad, Liz, Maria. Rosa, Kyle, even the newbies Sheriff, Dallas, and Heath.

Alex hit him with the car but there was no interaction between them. The only time Alex is in the same room, Jones is ‘out’ inside Maria’s head.

The more I think about it, the more I see the showdown between Michael and Jones involving Alex and/or Sanders.

Two more days!

Two thoughts percolating in my head.


Alex said he’d burn the world down for Michael. He wants to build a better world.

Jones burned the world down so that he could make it better, right? 

Is there suppose to be some sort of parallel between these intents? Will the show do a call back to that? 

And two: 

What if, during the confrontation between Michael and Jones at the junkyard that we see in the trailer, Jones makes Michael choose who to save - Sanders (I agree with others, it does look like Walt lying on the ground in the promo) or Alex (I still think it’s weird we didn’t see him in the trailer <— is this why? To prevent spoilers/speculation over a big confrontation?). 

Jones leaves Michael with just enough time to save one of them…and this leads me to wonder why no one else knows about Michael’s fire immunity ability. I don’t recall anyone knowing or talking about it. Michael even leaves it out when powers he may share with Jones was brought up in the conversation about rescuing Liz, Heath, and the Sheriff. 

Michael’s able to save them both, because of his immunity and the other characters think he (or if I’m right above, Alex and/or Sanders) has died in a fire and then the huge moment when Michael proves he’s immune to flame. 

This is a very messy post, I’ve spent all day chasing a chipmunk that Lady decided to drag inside because of course. 

All season three episodes aired to date have been uploaded and added. If you’d like the link, please send me a message and I’ll send it your way :)

Episode 11 will be up soon! It’s uploading now :)

Did anyone else thing Wyatt’s memory came back when Rosa kissed his cheek?

I was waiting for it, to be honest.

The only way this redemption arc may have worked is if he got his memories back and still realized what a raging racist horrible monster dick he was and then continued to be ‘changed’.

some thinly thoughts

spoilers for the finale trailer…

What roll do you think Alex, Kyle, and Rosa are to play in the final show down with Jones?

We catch a very brief glimpse of Kyle but not the other two. Every one else is there, even Maria wielding Isobel’s sword but not Alex or Rosa and only less than a second of Kyle. (And with Greg helping them earlier in the season, shouldn’t we see him as well? Or was he just Maria’s love interest? We got one Manes brother scene and it turned into being about Greg’s boner for Maria)

I know they can’t spoil every one and it’s only a 15 second sneak peek of a two hour finale but with the two missing from last night’s episode, I kind don’t wanna hope for too much.

And was Deep Sky just a plot point to introduce the Lockhart Machine? Where’s the Valenti legacy, where’s Alex working to make a better place for his alien fam, where’s Kyle and Alex working together?

And Rosa being called ‘the calvary’ but no sign of it in the preview? Rosa saved Liz, Isobel, and Michael, she’s a big reason Maria is alive, I really, really hope she’s not sidelined as well.


We got amazing bits this episode with Michael, the pod squad, Max and Dallas but it definitely didn’t feel like the episode before a finale.

I want all our characters working together cause that’s what I love about ensemble shows. The different dynamics between everyone. Where is that?

So this may have turned into a rant and not so coherent, sorry.

One last thing, Nathan is kicking it as Jones. He’s amazing. The beginning with th e flower? Charming and soooo creepy af.

With all the nicknames everyone calls Jones, diet Max, Daddy dictator, evil vanilla…

Alien Voldemort has to be my favorite.

What’s yours?

Roswell New Mexico - Season 4 Episode 1

And we’re back! For one last season. And of course we’ve done a time jump so everything is vaguely confusing! Haha

I feel like the only one I’m really annoyed with is the Isobel/Anatsa jump because they’re just not established enough for them to be saying “I love you” yet. I mean I know Anatsa and Isobel are going to get sacrificed for Kybel at some point before this season/series ends so I get that they just have to get it in there while they can but still…they’re cute and all but I still can’t invest because they don’t put the time and the work into it. 

It’s all there just for the Kyle angst. Poor Kyle, man. He’s just so miserable. He’d rather be hanging out with Jones’s corpse than watching Isobel be happy with Anatsa because he’s not gonna screw them up because he wants her to be happy but boy is he sad about it all. Give this man some happiness. He deserves it. Also I just don’t want him moping at fucking Deep Sky all season and being away from everyone else. 

Speaking of being away from everyone else, is there some rule that says that Alex is not allowed to have scenes with other people? Because it annoyed the hell out of me last season and it’s annoying the hell out of me already this season too. 

That said, I was at least very happy that everyone was acknowledging that Michael and Alex are a couple. Cause that drove me crazy last season too. I’m happy they’re moving in together even if it got a little angsty. But Alex making it clear that he can’t live without Michael is nice to hear some more. If only Michael would really hear it this time. 

I do really like the Michael and Dallas friendship going on. Their similar backgrounds allow them to connect in ways that he can’t with Max. So that’s nice. And in general, I like how Dallas is fitting in with the group, especially as Heath seems to have completely disappeared. I mean…fine cause there were a few too many characters last season but it is weird that he didn’t even get a mention. 

Dallas and Maria is…interesting. I mean it would be really neat and tidy if they ended up with Echo, Malex, Kybel and Dallas and Maria. Then everyone gets an alien. But Gregory is still clearly in the picture, albeit off screen for the moment. So that’s a whole thing. Then again, I’d rather see the progression of a relationship from chess buddies who offer the other umbrellas to actually being together. So…you know, if they go in that direction, cool. I’m here for it. Dallas is like…Spiritual Michael, which kind of works for Maria. 

Maria’s cure maybe making her lose her powers is a whole thing I guess too. But I guess if we can be spared of any half baked vision plots that go nowhere, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. 

Poor Max trying to propose. I mean, I get Liz waiting for the other shoe to drop but as long as it’s not dropping on their relationship, why not just get married before the next alien disaster threatens to destroy you. Why wait for a safe time. There’s never gonna be one girl. If they get married by the end of the season, can Michael or Alex catch the bouquet or something. Haha. Just as a nod. 

Love seeing Jenna back. I enjoy her and Max’s friendship. 

I missed Rosa. Not even a mention of her either. Is she just not in this season at all? I haven’t paid enough attention to filming things. I at least want an update at some point. 

As for the actual plot, I am SHOCKED they actually remembered that the Alighting is a thing. I really thought they just forgot all about that. So I’m happy that they’re going to tie things back together. I hope it’s actually interesting. I still think it might apply to Michael though. Maybe? I don’t know. 

We didn’t get much of the new triad’s personalities, so I hope they can at least be fun. 

Side Note: I’m still annoyed that Deep Sky literally has no other employees besides Eduardo and Kyle and Alex. Anyway…I still just hate Deep Sky in general and the fact that it still makes no sense. 

Ah…feels good to rant about this show again.
