#rottmnt fantasy au


Fantasy April and Nigel!✨

April being a witch in this story makes me SO HAPPY! And I just wanted to draw Nigel in this style because I just couldn’t leave my boy out! (He’s not in the story ofc but hey, maybe he is in my mind) They are both magic users in this AU with Nigel being a blacksmith!

ROTTMNT Fantasy AU can be found over at @undercoverwizardfanfiction@rottmntfantasyau

✨Baron Draxum✨

“Though taller than Raphael, its muscular in its own sense and outlined by spiked metal armor, a cloak trailing after him as he stepped into sight. Long red hair enveloping his shoulders along with two little gargoyles giggling maliciously. His armor as black as the void of darkness and his head framed by a four horned helmet.”

Draxum in this story is a special sort of feral and I adore it! Wanted to get some visual rep for his new armor/crown down on paper so I’m happy with this!

ROTTMNT Fantasy AU can be found over at @undercoverwizardfanfiction@rottmntfantasyau (I hope they aren’t sick of me yet XD)

✨The Blood Moon Hunter✨

Raph joins the fight! Happy to have all the brothers done and looking good! Going to be adding some other characters too~!

Fantasy AU can be found over at @undercoverwizardfanfiction@rottmntfantasyau

✨The Morning Messenger✨

Inspired by the fantasy AU over at @undercoverwizardfanfiction/@rottmntfantasyau

Raph is next and I’m excited to have the full set! Mikey as a bard/ sunshine boy is just perfect!✨

✨ Prince Leonardo Snuggly Wuggly the Twenty-Fifth✨

Oh- you know I had to hand the spotlight over to the golden boy himself~ I absolutely LOVE Leo in this story. Lemme know if I should try my hand at the other two brothers as well!

Fantasy AU from @undercoverwizardfanfiction

✨The Twilight Thief✨

Just got caught up on Stories of the Hidden City by @undercoverwizardfanfiction and WOW! I haven’t been so invested in a fantasy AU in for ever! I definitely recommend a read if you’re in the mood for a gritty, heart felt adventure story with the boys in another life!
