#royal daddy



BFF Extremes! pt. 2

The short of it: “RAD Vogue: What The Hell I’m In Hell”

AN: IT’S FINALLY HERE! Ooookay so after finals, a surgery and my laptop crashing, I’m back with the awaited sequel to BFF Extremes!and it’s in headcanon form for easy reading! Sorry about the wait, I will be getting to requests shortly!


You stumbled out of the portal, glaring at the man with teal hair. “Hey! What gives-?”

You froze as you took in the sight before you. You were standing in a large, medieval administration hall, before eight imposing men. The teal-haired man beside you touched your arm gently, and gestured towards a tall, red-haired man with a smile brighter than LED headlights.

“Hello, MC. Welcome to the Devildom.”

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