
 It’s coming, the event so monstrous we’re too scared to have it more than once a year &

It’s coming, the event so monstrous we’re too scared to have it more than once a year … SCREAMFEST.

This Halloween from 1:30-3:30 PM, join the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library as we dive into the creepiest, the spookiest, the most coulrophobia-inducing collections we have to offer, including: amputation saws perfect for cannibal clowns; paranormal tools for communicating with your missing siblings; and other materials destined to haunt your deepest slumbers. 

Free and open to the public in the Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room at the Rubenstein Library (West Campus).

Come for the free candy, stay for more free candy. But remember, whatever you do, don’t take one of the red balloons … .

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