#rule one violation






Azure’s Corner

The Liberal Agenda’s Communist Goal: Total Population Control

It’s interesting how bizarre the Left gets when faced with fake news. They consume it like ravenous fiends looking for any reason to feel the rage drum up their adrenalin. It’s in this manner, that they seek the high of endorphins to be released at the sense of self-gratification through violence. The pattern is very clear: Mental illness.

The recent outcry that Roe v. Wade would be overturned based on an unreliable and questionable “leak” of the Supreme Court’s opinion draft is a prime example. The Supreme Court does not overturn past decisions. People confuse the Supreme Court with the lower courts where a decision can be overturned by a higher court. It’s because the Liberals are highly uneducated or simply ignorant people who know nothing about how the Government really works.

To the point; the Supreme Court decides the Constitutionality of a given law or decision by the lower courts. That’s it. If it violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court strikes down that law or overturns that decision by a lower court ruling. Aside from this, the Judiciary Branch oversees both the Executive and Legislative Branches to ensure that acts do not violate the Constitutionality or the inalienable Human Rights of the Citizenry that have not been delegated to the Government. Again, that’s it.

The Liberals want nothing more than to, according to abortionist thinking, allow people to choose whether or not to allow a Human life to continue. Conversely, they’re against guns that do exactly the same thing when used in self-defense. Hypocrisy in action, folks. They’re against the death penalty as well.

When pressed, a pro-choice activist will tell you flat out that if a mother learns that their child may be born with a defect that they should be allowed to end that child’s life before birth. This leads towards promotion of Eugenics, which was the foundation of the Planned Parenthood founder’s goal – aside from the fact that her target was also population control of non-whites. Her diatribes included allocation for a white mother to abort a mixed-race child simply to avoid the shame of it. This latter part is one of the core tenants still for Planned Parenthood: To enable, most specifically, underaged pregnancies to be aborted which trend mostly amongst poor non-whites.

The idea of population control combined with Eugenics is a foundational cornerstone of Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto. In part, he elaborates that women are subjugated to men and incapable of more strategic planning. As such, providing them with gossip enables men to perform their work. Managing the population through forced or coerced means allows resources to remain distributable, the population subservient, and allows men to openly sow their seed to remain effective workers. I’m paraphrasing, but there’s no deviation from what he actually intended in his ideal society.

Yet Eugenics was further advanced by Hitler seeking the Super Soldier and the racial purity of the German people. You can’t have that if some mongrel is walking about knocking up German girls. However, it’s misunderstood inasmuch as he sought to keep other races for specific attributes suitable for a slave labor caste. Which now brings us to today’s Liberal Lefty.

Down Syndrome: The Left says they’re for everyone, supportive of those with disabilities. Yet when it comes to this genetic error, they support diagnostics and abortion to end the child’s life. Any genetic disorder, regardless of your political bent, could essentially fall under this perspective. The next step from that is any unwanted genetic anomaly. And still, there’s the drive to say it’s a woman’s decision regardless of her partner’s wishes. Much like other Liberal Left policies, there’s active intent to hide these and other medical decisions from parents and partners.

Transgender: The Left again says they’re for everyone, supportive of those transitioning. Yet, once again, fail to point out that this medically renders the transitioned infertile for life. Certainly there are steps that can be taken, but these steps involving freezing of eggs or sperm are expensive and require high annual expense to maintain. Failure to pay: Loss of the frozen material. The sick aspect about forcing this on those who haven’t gone through puberty is that males have no genetic material to salvage. Beyond the politics, this is population control.

It’s one thing to make a decision. It’s another to have that decision made for you. In both cases, pro-choice is fine if regulated and transitioning if the truth is provided and prevented until a certain age. For instance, a woman or child raped should have the path to abortion. A terminal genetically ill fetus or a pregnancy that puts the mother’s life at risk should be another. However, if a child under the age of 18 cannot drive, cannot fight in a war, cannot buy cigarettes or alcohol, cannot legally sign a contract or medical documents, cannot consent to sexual activity, and cannot purchase their own firearms or cell phone plan, then they certainly as fuck cannot consent to extensive medical treatments and surgeries that will irrevocably alter their body for the remainder of their lives.

That again, is population control. The reduction of healthy Humans that could produce offspring, in effort to reduce or control the size of the the population. In effect, China used a similar but alternate approach by limiting the number of children legally allowable by law with extraordinary punishments for violators. This resulted in the routine practice of murdering female infants and children. The end result was an extreme multi-decade reduction of their youth population and an explosive growth of their elderly. The workforce issues became apparent and the impact upon their military. In an emergency, they repealed the laws but the problem was already systemic and exponential. Literally, their country fell to the brink of progressive extinction through entropy.

Their intentions, much like our Liberal Left, was power and control. Stopping short of China’s overpopulation due to their largess and economic unsustainability due to the shortcomings of Communism, they also pursued a hybrid of Communism and Capitalism. Again, it was almost too late. Both their people and ours are being spoon fed the lie that this is all for you! It’s your body! It’s your choice!

But… if that were true, then why did so many jump on the bandwagon of dictating medical procedures to be forced upon everyone? Again, the hypocrisy. You get to choose your own path, as long as it serves the greater good of the public. Meaning, your neighbor gets to decide whether you live or die, have children or not, and how much of your income they deserve for doing nothing.

Population Control means educating the populace that it’s perfectly fine to dictate to others how they should live their lives, so that they’re happy, fat, and dumb, as they pick up the phone to report you to the Gestapo for violating their rights to control you. And it’s really only topical: Because everyone would be subject to Big Brother. They too, fearful, would only be reporting to avoid being reported themselves. And it may work for a time. Until finally, everyone is ratting each other out with lies, to ingratiate themselves with the local constable. The more you report your neighbors, the more pats on the head and belly rubs you get.

While this may be an extrapolation of the two truths; it’s not far from reality. In all actuality, this is precisely what happens in China. It happened in the Soviet Union. It will certainly continue happening until finally we realize that Freedom means not just having the freedom to choose, but the responsibilities we must shoulder to exercise those responsibilities. Inasmuch as it’s the responsibility of a woman and man to use contraceptives to avoid pregnancy, the responsibility of a person to not commit heinous crimes like murder and rape, the responsibility of a person to manage their own budget and wealth, or the responsibility of people to help each other; it’s equally the responsibility for ourselves and our actions too.

You’re connecting a lot of dots that aren’t there.

Please take a nap

You’re not explaining why you believe that. Therefore, your banal input is as meaningless as your existence.

There’s so much in here that is just plain stupid, and I actually have a life so I don’t feel like explaining all of it (maybe someone who follows me can continue). It is really funny that you start out by saying that the liberals are upset for no reason and are fear mongering, then you go on some tirade about how liberals want to force population control. I’m not going to entertain that one. Nobody is forcing anyone to have abortions in America and nobody ever will. It’s not pro-choicers who are dictating to anyone how to live their life, you have a freedom to choose what to do with their body. Period.

First off, by arguing that it’s hypocritical that pro choice liberals are pro gun control and against the death penalty, you’re assuming that the goal of pro choices is, what, killing people for no reason? These three stances are not related for liberals, but conservatives sure do love to fear monger. If these are related for conservatives then why do you flip flop on the value of a life (pre birth or not?) Obviously, you have no belief in bodily autonomy, but how many innocent people on death row need to be killed before something clicks that maybe we shouldn’t kill people? I’m not here to argue gun control or the death penalty, but don’t make connections there where there are none. Thank god things like the last prisoner project exist is all I’ll say on that.

Equating abortions to eugenics has been a hot take that I’ve been seeing a lot more recently. I guess it would make sense if pro choice advocates and anti choice advocates viewed fetuses in the same way, but we don’t. It is no more or less right or wrong to abort a fetus that is average, has a disability, or a result of rape. It’s anti choice advocates that put the value of one as being more valuable than the other, which is why they are so quick to say that pro choicers are morally corrupt. The value that right wingers put on able bodied rich white people over folks with disabilities or financial disparity is jarring when they don’t generally support policies that help people in need because YOU don’t think they’re worthy of it. You make exceptions for yourselves but point fingers when other people do it because you don’t feel like they are deserving of assistance. You don’t even support causes like longer maternity leave and paternity leave. Your concern for life stops at birth. Regardless of that though, why would it be okay for the government to decide what a woman does with her body in any situation? What gives the government the right to remove a woman’s bodily autonomy? It’s not a stretch to say that taking away a woman’s reproductive rights makes it more difficult to seek care and creates grey area around miscarriages. In the more conservatives states, miscarriages will be treated as homicide investigations.

A woman had a right to bodily autonomy and privacy. The government shouldn’t dictate what medical treatments someone should be able to get. You don’t see me as a meaningless existence because we disagree with each other, but I value you simply because you’re a living breathing person. I don’t think that you should get any say on my life based on your religious beliefs, and let’s just leave it at that.

There’s so much in here that is just plain stupid, and I actually have a life so I don’t feel like explaining all of it (maybe someone who follows me can continue).

It is really funny that you start out by saying that the liberals are upset for no reason and are fear mongering, then you go on some tirade about how liberals want to force population control. I’m not going to entertain that one. Nobody is forcing anyone to have abortions in America and nobody ever will.

It’s not pro-choicers who are dictating to anyone how to live their life, you have a freedom to choose what to do with their body. Period.

First off, by arguing that it’s hypocritical that pro choice liberals are pro gun control and against the death penalty, you’re assuming that the goal of pro choices is, what, killing people for no reason? These three stances are not related for liberals, but conservatives sure do love to fear monger. If these are related for conservatives then why do you flip flop on the value of a life (pre birth or not?) Obviously, you have no belief in bodily autonomy, but how many innocent people on death row need to be killed before something clicks that maybe we shouldn’t kill people? I’m not here to argue gun control or the death penalty, but don’t make connections there where there are none. Thank god things like the last prisoner project exist is all I’ll say on that.

Equating abortions to eugenics has been a hot take that I’ve been seeing a lot more recently. I guess it would make sense if pro choice advocates and anti choice advocates viewed fetuses in the same way, but we don’t. It is no more or less right or wrong to abort a fetus that is average, has a disability, or a result of rape. It’s anti choice advocates that put the value of one as being more valuable than the other, which is why they are so quick to say that pro choicers are morally corrupt. The value that right wingers put on able bodied rich white people over folks with disabilities or financial disparity is jarring when they don’t generally support policies that help people in need because YOU don’t think they’re worthy of it. You make exceptions for yourselves but point fingers when other people do it because you don’t feel like they are deserving of assistance. You don’t even support causes like longer maternity leave and paternity leave. Your concern for life stops at birth. Regardless of that though, why would it be okay for the government to decide what a woman does with her body in any situation? What gives the government the right to remove a woman’s bodily autonomy? It’s not a stretch to say that taking away a woman’s reproductive rights makes it more difficult to seek care and creates grey area around miscarriages. In the more conservatives states, miscarriages will be treated as homicide investigations.

A woman had a right to bodily autonomy and privacy. The government shouldn’t dictate what medical treatments someone should be able to get. You don’t see me as a meaningless existence because we disagree with each other, but I value you simply because you’re a living breathing person. I don’t think that you should get any say on my life based on your religious beliefs, and let’s just leave it at that.

Each question you asked me, you answered what you believed would be my response. This is called rhetorical questioning. This indicates that you have no honest interest in discussion or asking honest questions. You simply wanted to prattle off.

I’ll simply say that religious beliefs have nothing to do with anything I’ve said. Did I ever mention religion? No, but you did. That’s called a Strawman argument by non-sequitur proxy. However, since you did raise it as your fundamental argument, I don’t think that you should get any say on my life based on your beliefs, religious or otherwise, and you can go fuck yourself.
