#rupert raymal dupress

avionvadion: Rupert and his new fam. Literally no one: “How many kids do you have?” Rupert: “Biologi


Rupert and his new fam. 

Literally no one: “How many kids do you have?” 

Rupert: “Biologically, emotionally, or legally?” 

I almost added in Alexander as one of the kiddos because Rupert technicallyhelps raise him in the new timeline before he gets recruited into the castle…? But I ran out of room, so. He’s not there, lol. Maybe next time. XD 

I had just got done outlining the next chapter and went to bed, when my brain decided to smack me in the face at like five am shouting at me to draw this. So I did. Sketched and outlined, wentn the frick back to bed at around seven am, and then got up around four-ish pm to color it. 

The kiddos Damien and Sasha are holding are twins. 

Rhycelia, holding up the third and final kiddo: “It’s the ciiiircle of liffeeee~!”

The kids sometimes puts flowers into Rupert’s braid when he’s asleep at his desk, or just working in general. 

Rupert’s hair keeps getting longer and longer every time I draw it oops

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