#rwby rosebud


A broken mirror

“I am not blind. I am no fool. From the moment I saw you I knew exactly what you were. A broken mirror. One with jagged glass ready to slice my throat. I won’t pretend I don’t see it. Won’t lie to myself and play ignorant to what was the breaking point. Still, you’re broken; and broken glass gets swept away. Not my fault you shattered. Not my job to fix. All I want is to remove glass so nobody gets anymore cuts. This is my job; my wish. Still, I am not blind. I am no fool. I know that if all the pieces mended, if I would’ve seen this mirror before it broke, I would see so much of myself in you.”

Thick black smoke filled the air. Dozens of carriages carried away weeping, injured citizens. As a huntress clad in red leads the way out of the burning town with tearful eyes, her daughter rode at the rear. Gripping her bleeding side in pain, all she can do is look at the town. A man robbed in black stood in front of the blaze, the dim, gray look of his gaze met her scarlet eyes. Even with how far he was, she could tell he was smiling. How? Because all she could is grip her broken scythe in righteous anger.

“I am not blind.”
