#ryan rambles


bro not me only testing 14% of the way through the duolingo chinese course apparently i’m rusty but i only missed one of the questions it gave me??

kinda of want to try again

[edit] ahhh you can continue to test after the initial one!! i see, i’ve never used duo lingo before lol


wow, i live!! a lot has happened over summer so let me fill y’all in~

- my study abroad program was canceled (not surprising) so i’ve been re-evaluating my senior year

- i’m planning on graduating early at the end of my winter quarter. bye bye college!

- i’ve been elected as co-president of my club, international student union! we like to have a domestic and an international leader since our goal is to connect the two groups of students ✨

- i’m also gonna be a peer mentor to an international student again this quarter, i’m super excited! i got really close with my two mentees last year (one from england, one from korea) so i hope this year brings a new friend as well!!

- my campus job let me go unexpectedly :(

- i started an online shop! :D currently i make and sell clay earrings, but i’m hoping to expand!! (twitter/insta/shop) let me tell ya, running those social media accounts took some getting used to and was part of why i went silent on here :’)

- i’m going to be enrolling in a TEFL certification program after i graduate and completing it during what would have been my final quarter of school. currently undecided on whether i’d like to teach in taiwan or korea, so i need to keep practicing both languages haha

- monday will be my first day of classes in my last year of college, wow so exciting but also so bittersweet!

hope you’ve all been well, let’s smash this final year!

you can get invited to chats sfgdgsnana I DID NOT KNOW

i was catching up on skz content and taking korean notes and i just….. same

ya girl been memorizing hiragana/katakana on the down low cause i’m tryna surprise my japanese friends who always accommodate me by speaking english with a little something something. i also bought this very cute book called learning japanese the manga way and these grammar lessons with manga examples are cracking me up even though i’m not really at a level where i can understand them yet

canceled my spring 2021 study abroad plans today partially for very mature and realistic reasons… and partially because i’m a petty hoe and don’t wanna give my stupid school that is charging full tuition and campus fees for an online quarter any more money. fuck em’

me opening my korean notes and realizing how much i forgot lmaooooo. back on the grind starting today.

just finished episode 62 of daiya no ace… do not text


guess i’m learning danish now because my friend said the duolingo couldn’t be finished in two months. BET!

however, this language requires me to break every pronunciation rule i’ve had drilled into me over 6 years of chinese i hate it here

okay this pronunciation still kind of kills me inside but we are going strong!! three days babey

guess i’m learning danish now because my friend said the duolingo couldn’t be finished in two months. BET!

however, this language requires me to break every pronunciation rule i’ve had drilled into me over 6 years of chinese i hate it here

TIME TO LISTEN TO IMAGINATION BY SPYAIR AND CRY ❤️ i miss haikyuu already ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (i say as if i’m not just start re-reading the whole thing again tomorrow)

life update ✨

hi everyone, so i officially finished my third year of college a while ago but have been working full time up until now. i had my last day of work last week (it was a student worker position in the international affairs office so i couldn’t stay on all summer) but i’ve also been working my little butt off to open an online shop where i’ll be selling jewelry and other little artsy things. life has been hectic and i def put language studies on hold for a while, and i feel like i’ve forgotten like everything i learned about korean. but i finally have everything in order for the shop which means i can redirect some energy and i’m excited to start updating here again this week!

ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN TAGGING ME IN POSTS/CHALLENGES: hi i love and adore you and i will attempt to go through all of them and see what i missed ❤️

i have so much love in my heart for @queerseance y’all don’t even know

new icon since david decided to end my life with that flower shoot

sure i’m going to miss gotham, but i’m going to miss oswald cobblepot more ☂️
