#ryan talks


Took a break from working on the big project today and drew some OCs instead

This thing has 70 layers and I’ve not even started shading yet


Got a new graphics tablet. Gonna give it a practice run tomorrow so now is the time to send in requests

I’m in too much pain to sit up so I guess you guys have another day to send in requests

Got a new graphics tablet. Gonna give it a practice run tomorrow so now is the time to send in requests


One week til the theme week that I’m running and I’ve so far sketched 1/7 pieces for it and have even decided what to draw for the others

3/7 pieces sketched. Making progress

One week til the theme week that I’m running and I’ve so far sketched 1/7 pieces for it and have even decided what to draw for the others

I drew for an hour today and I didn’t finish anything but I’ve made progress …my wrist hurts now

Life Update

Long time no post. I thought I’d update you because I intend to start posting here again soon.

I’ve been dealing with some physical health difficulties (including covid and carpal tunnel) so I stopped drawing for a while. Recently my carpal tunnel syndrome has eased enough that I’m able to draw again with frequent breaks.

It may be a little while before I finish anything but I will be uploading again when I do

99percentgay: thefingerfuckingfemalefury: vo-kopen: aka-noodleart:They call her “the spoiler” for 99percentgay: thefingerfuckingfemalefury: vo-kopen: aka-noodleart:They call her “the spoiler” for





They call her “the spoiler” for a reason…

Don’t tell me Robin!Tim wouldn’t have done this if they had had smartphones in the nineties


Siri has utterly ruined the Riddler’s whole thing ;-;

Is that a bi phone case?

It absolutely is! Thanks for noticing

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