
vantasticmess: saccharinesylph: the girl and the fireflyChild of Light - Queen Aurora - pinklikevantasticmess: saccharinesylph: the girl and the fireflyChild of Light - Queen Aurora - pinklike



the girl and the firefly

Child of Light - Queen Aurora - pinklikeme/saccharinesylph
Igniculus - lithefidercreatures
Photography - vantasticmess

thank you for the chance to take photos of you!  I was super honored!

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saccharinesylph:Uhhhh hey LMAOSo obviously we’re all kind of waiting-and-seeing what’s going on with


Uhhhh hey LMAO

So obviously we’re all kind of waiting-and-seeing what’s going on with that musky guy and Twitter, so I might be sniffing around back on here a bit.

This is Thistle, my mascot peryton fawn!

Before I forget, I do have a shop now if you like my stuff!

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