#sacred iseum


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This month I ordered my first ever Sacred Iseum subscription box! I got the Sacred Chest, which is the “middle” subscription at $50 a month, and is supposed to contain 7-10 items.

I didn’t realize this before ordering it, but it looks like Sacred Iseum is a store with a large catalogue of magical and witchy items. This further excites me, as I think it puts them in a position to send a great variety of wonderful items each month.

Without further ado, let’s get into the box!

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It comes packaged discreetly, in a regular Priority Mail box. The return address does say “Sacred Iseum,” so if you’re very far into the broom closet and you live with other people, that might be a giveaway.


The presentation of the box is just adorable. The contents were sitting in a scrap of green, satiny fabric, and topped with this cute Autumn leaf ribbon. Upon first opening it, I finally got a little whiff of the scents inside–very subtle, gentle, and a bit sweet.


Here’s the info page!


Before we get into the main contents of the box, these paper products were also sitting on top. The cute little “check” had my legal name written on it, which is why it’s blurred. We also got a prosperity sigil, a small piece of parchment, a prosperity spell, and a little oracle-style card about prosperity!

Now, onto the main contents!


The Prosperity Candle was dressed in a bunch of loose herbs that came sprinkling off everywhere when I opened it. I kind of love it!

They wrapped the Palo Santo in a little scrap of fabric that matches the ribbon on top of the contents, which was pretty cute.


This Prosperity Bath contains Epsom & Sea Salts, Rosemary, Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Elecampane Root, Hibiscus, and another one of their products, Abundance Oil. It smells divine, sweet and heavy. I can’t wait to try it out!

On the right there, you can see some items that until now I was completely unfamiliar with: Lodestones. The powder next to them is Lodestone food. These are used by focusing an intent on them, and then adding a pinch more Lodestone food every few days, while you keep the pouch nearby.


The Abundance Protection Charm Bag is very neat. I like charm bags and satchets, but I’m often too busy or lazy to put them together myself. It’s awesome to have one here to model after in the future, and to get accustomed to practicing with one. Its ingredients are Sea Salt, Honeycomb, Cinnamon powder, Shepherd’s Purse, Garlic, & Pine Needles. Sticking out of the top you’ll also see Black Beard Wheat.


As I’ve probably mentioned in other posts, I don’t use oil very much, so while I like the smells I’m never quite sure what to do with them. That being said, the Abundance Oil, which you’ve seen mentioned as an ingredient in a few other items in this box, is absolutely lovely! It also came packaged in a baggie to prevent any leaks from getting all over the rest of the box, which I really appreciated as a few drops had squeezed out of mine and made the whole thing all slick and oily!

This oil contains Frankincense, Myrrh, Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Birch, Dragon’s Blood, Hibiscus, Juniper Berry, Clove, Basil, Elecampane Root, Patchouli, Jasmine, Rose, Bay Leaf, Chamomile, Blood Orange, Raw Emerald, and Cash Flakes. Whew! What a list. Some of those are oils, and some are solid ingredients.

I’ve never seen Birch Oil used before, but a quick search informed me that it is in fact a thing, and I’m actually very interested to check it out sometime. It sounds wonderful! I’m always drawn to oils that come from trees.


The last item is this gorgeous Triple Moon mini altar table. It took my breath away when I pulled it out–what a wonderful item! Now that I’ve got a Weeping Cherry Tree going in behind my house, I think this little altar would look wonderful outside underneath it in the Springtime, skirted by Periwinkle. During the colder months, however, I think I’ll use it for a secondary altar space, maybe an area that I can dedicate to specific spells, deities, or other intentions.

I am very impressed and pleased with this first box from Sacred Iseum. If this is any indication of the boxes to come, I think I’ll like this one a lot!
