#sad af


I’m dying to know how you’re doing but instead I distract myself by writing about you in a blog that no one looks at.

— :) silentregrets

i’m fucking sad

Such a good day to cry over Destiel. I thought I was ready but bitch I don’t even know how to start.

Chapter 896 spoilers


Anyone else saw that Sanji X Pudding scene in the latest chapter?

That was personally heartbreaking coz I’m a devoted sannami shipper, and beside that, Pudding is my most hated character in OP, while Sanji is my favourite. I was so mad at Oda. But anyway, last hope lies in the fact that Sanji holds no interest towards her whatsoever while being the biggest flirt on all seas. Her obsession towards him is very uncomfortable. Well, we won’t forget that she is jealous of Nami, judging by previous scenes, and how Sanji’s mood changes incredibly after seeing Nami when he spent a long time with Pudding. Pls, Pudding, let’s keep this formal. That’s Nami’s man on a side note, that chapter was INTENSE.

Sannami shippers, y’all with me? xx

Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been introverting hard and being sad about cancelled shows….along with working and doing manager training videos that are as fun as they sound lol.

I hope everyone is doing well! Love y’all. Just always make sure to make room for yourself, mental health, and working on your life outside of the computer.

I’ve also just been binge watching supernatural for the first time ever! Lol

Let me know how y’all are! Also no spoilers about the show! :)
