#sadie oakley


Edenbrook’s LGBTQ+ Health Department

@choicespride Day 9: Tell us about your MCs/OCs relationship to/experience with the LGBTQ+ community!

Throughout most of her adult life, Sadie made sure to donate to LGBTQ+ organizations, whenever she could. Once she and Ethan get a joint bank account, she does this even more, and he is super supportive.

A few years after Sadie’s residency, her and Ethan spearhead the creation of Edenbrook’s LGBTQ+ Health Department. They donate a lot of their own money towards it but also hold plenty of fundraisers (w/Kyra as the head planner of course!). The LGBTQ+ Health Department is similar to the Clinic in the sense that they try to do as much pro-bono work as possible. They offer free plastic/gender affirming surgery consultations, LGBTQ+ sex ed courses/workshops, and therapy, among other things.

Sadie’s Bisexual Awakening

@choicespride Day 7: Tell us about your MCs/OCs self discovery journey!

Sadie didn’t start questioning her sexuality until she was in college. She’d had a couple of relationships with guys in high school and they were good (for high school relationships, anyway). She was in a relationship with a guy early on during college, but after they broke up, she decided to do the classic “experimenting” with girls. The experiment was a success. She likes women.

She had a casual relationship with a woman during undergrad, but they broke up afterwards. During medical school, Sadie’s roommate set her up with her cousin. This relationship lasted for a few months, but the two were both in school (one med and one law) and didn’t really have the time for that kind of relationship. Sadie then went on to date her roommate (who had set her up in the first place) and they dated for a couple years. It was pretty serious, like, thought-they-might-be-together-forever serious, but they broke up when they went different places for residency.

Sadie’s first female celebrity crush was Megan Fox (although she didn’t realize it was a crush at the time) and her current female celebrity crush is Jisoo from BLACKPINK.
