
A mockup of a sticker sheet featuring the five rat items from Sewer Rave: A coffee mug that says "Best Rat," a slice of pepperoni pizza, a bottle cap that says "Yum Soda," a rubber duck, and a golden pyramid with a red eye. "You have succeeded in acquiring all rat items" is written on the base, followed below by "You Win?"ALT
A mockup of a poster from Sewer Rave. A slice of yellow cheese with sunglasses, captioned "why so cheesious"ALT
A mockup of a t-shirt, patterned with the previously described rat items.ALT
A mockup of a black face mask, with red text that reads "You have contracted the plague."ALT

More Sewer Rave merchandise, sold at my new print-on-demand Etsy shop!

I have enabled Tips on my Blog. You can pay me if you liked my penis posts now.

Skimmed through my followers and found out that some radfem followed me a while ago for some reason. My most recent popular post is about my penis. At this point you’re just doing it to yourself.

The Sewer Rave promo artwork. A red circle and an arrow are pointing to a random rock, but far off in the left hides him. A Rat version of Goku in the Drip.ALT

Hey. We need to sit down and have a serious discussion. You missed some details in the Sewer Rave promo art I worked on. But it’s ok. Head over to the link below and I will explain it all to you.

I wonder why there wasn’t a rabid shipping community for The Stanley Parable circa 2013. Sure you see three humanoid characters at the maximum in game and one of them is a mannequin, but people on here have worked with much less. In another universe, the dashboard would’ve been filled with Stanley getting dicked down by the Adventure Line, or kissing the faceless Narrator who now has an unofficial design made by Rebornica or something, and Ultra Deluxe would’ve been delayed even more because the developers made an extra long ending commenting around this theoretical shipping community. Also before you ask I’m a lesbian so this train of thought was fueled by chaos alone.
