#sadly my xkit wont give me the option to edit posts anymore




Xu was definitely difficult to read, especially that smile of hers. A smile that seems to gradually grow like the brightness of this morning’s glow. Strangely enough, Rude didn’t find her mystical smile off-putting. Nor did it make him feel self-conscious, despite not knowing if she is joking with him or not.

Either way, he’s momentarily calmed with the “probably”-promise of his car being undisturbed.

“…Are you inviting me to stay?” It’s not until Rude says that when he is aware that he has –unintentionally— been mimicking Xu’s smile. How embarrassing of him. Rude will himself to cool his expression down, just a little.

Nevertheless, he needs more than coffee and stale cereals to satisfy his appetite—
“I’m starving. Are you not?” Both his tone and body language displaying readiness, an open invitation to pick them up something from the diner or go there together.

“If you want,” she offers, and shrugs one slender shoulder. “Unless you’ve got somewhere more important to be.” 

The smile hides behind the rim of her mug– it’s been a while since she was this relaxed, and given a lazy morning (a lazy whole weekend, shockingly enough) to enjoy herself, even longer since that enjoyment came with company that wasn’t just a one-night stand or a morning alone entirely. 

She finishes the cup, setting it neatly on the coffee table, and stretches, back arching, fingers coming to rake through thick dark hair as she considers the options. 

“We should go out. If we stay in, I have a feeling we wouldn’t ever leave.” Not that she would complain about that, but, alas, one can’t exist on mindblowing sex and coffee alone. 

Not for lack of trying on her part. 

“Give me a few minutes to put on real clothes, and we’ll head out?” 

Even though it was Rude’s day off, one could still always argue there is more important places for him to be, but when it comes to his own personal preference… he certainly wouldn’t mind staying if his host wishes to explore any of last night’s activities.

He catch himself quietly admiring Xu as she moves fingers through her dark hair. The morning light painting her with warm tones.

Never leaving wouldn’t be too terrible, Rude first thought, before he firmly corrected that absurd idea. One cannot sustain on only coffee and the promises of great sex, at least not Rude. Therefore he hums agreely.

“Certainly.” He sits up straighter in the sofa and slowly finishes the cooling coffee while he waits.
