


Some WIPs because people made a mistake and encouraged me to actually draw my Love & Legends redesigns. I’ve had a lot of fun going into these sort of fantasy designs


They are so wonderful, holy moly. Firstly, Saerys and August. They look super super great, love their outfit changes, especially August’s. Altea looks darling, Helena is even more badass, but Reiner… WOW. He looks fantastic here. Absolutely stunning.


So I took a look at the schedual…

Context: the year is 2019. It’s march, and Sweet Enchantments was being absolutely flamed for the first few Runa seasons. Suddenly we get more Gangsters in Love episodes, and a new series even though SE JUST came out (hence the surprise)

I may not have as strong of a dislike for Runa these days but this post still makes me chuckle
