#saf says things


Another, and probably the last reminder that I have a new blog: https://aesahaettrr.tumblr.com/ 
Basically wanted to start fresh. This blog didn’t really feel like me. Looking back its clear that I was trying to post things I thought other people wanted to see but I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore. 
The new blog is not 100% gaming orientated, not cause I grew out of it or anything, I just wanted to show some more of my interests
I still post the occasional gaming post. But the blog is mainly 70s and 80s music/culture and rock n roll in general. Some tv shows and movies. Basically everything I’m interested in tbh. Give a follow if its your thing, if its not, no worries aye

sorry for pretty much abandoning this blog… I just felt like the person I was on tumblr was not the person I really am or the person I wanted to be. I took a quick break and that turned into never coming here again oops. I just felt like if I really shared who I really was on here it wouldn’t be right you know?
So I’m pretty much done here I think… had a good go you know?

Anyways I’m more myself on twitter and if youre a mutual you can ask for my skype if you really want its all good.
This message was a mess but I’m tired and I just got back from my last ever day at school. Next stop, Uni! Where I will hopefully be studying design. Which is partly why I left this blog, I needed the time to focus on my school work and art. And I will need the time still while I’m at uni… so yeah goodbye I guess

Cheers guys, Saffiyah
