

Ah, don’t you just love it when TV shows hype up POC and LGBTQ+ characters only to unalive them with barely any character development and then use their deaths as a way to motivate the other characters and move the plot?


what does this MEAN

@to-be-a-dreamer​ what do you want from me


Tommy Boy’s eyebrow game is more stable than my mental health.

Saf’s Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Jac made a joke yesterday about me being in charge of planning the discord Easter Egg hunt, and I have a lot of homework I need to do today.

So, naturally, I didn’t do any of it and instead spent four hours making this monstrosity:

It’s also Newsies themed, so I thought you guys might enjoy :D

I want to start making ask games that start out slightly not-normal but just get progressively more and more confusing.

Like from “Give me a Newsies character + your favorite reptile and I’ll write a one-shot about it”


“Mutuals: send me an ask and I’ll tell you what kind of egg you remind me of”

Wait I just realized I made a mistake in Chapter 1 of the Ghost AU, my bad. This is why you shouldn’t do your final proofread at 2:00 am. Also, make sure you double-check your math.

I think I’m technically supposed to post my non-newsies-related thoughts to my main blog, but the problem with that is I have like four followers over there and I crave validation in the form of internet interactions sooo…. And yeah, I’m sure I would get more followers if I actually posted but why would I do that when I could just tell you guys?
