#sagau razor


Don’t have the brain power to write a proper chapter right now but please enjoy a series of in game scenes I think took place before [Name] entered Teyvat.

For a bit of context, click here.

Is this just an excuse to write scenes of some of my favs? Perhaps.


The sun in Liyue was always incredibly warm, it beat down on Razor’s now tattered form as he pulled back from the broken shield of a mitachurl and readied his Claymore for yet another damaging blow, electricity crackling in air.

As he landed a solid hit, sending the large creature staggering backwards, He felt himself being pulled away, the world around him flickering as he found himself back in the woods of Wolvendom, his scrapes beginning to sting as he left The Guide’s presence. 

It was a few minutes later, after he sat down to rest, when he was pulled back to the now destroyed monster camp. The ground beneath him was warm and glowing a shade of red that put him at ease. 

The soothing temperature of [Name]’s influence highlighted the ease he currently felt, yet his sight flickered once more, going black for a moment before once more returning to him. He found himself standing on unseen flooring, sparks of electro filling the purple room. 

As his sight returned, he looked forward to catch a glimpse of his Guide.

They looked down at him with a smile and their words were heard clearly “Do I have enough? Do I have enough?”

He felt their touch move from his head, moving over quickly to an unseen button and a screen he had seen so many times before, their hand hovering over a white button that they then clicked.

Their face then light up with joy “AYO! RAZOR ASCENSION MATERIALS COMPLETE!” They shouted, causing him to flinch back before quickly returning to his previous position and smiling back.

“We’re gonna build you up and make you so fucking cool! So close to full ascension! Are you excited? I know I am!” Their joy was infectious, their continual praise over his strength and announcements of how much better he would become caused his chest to swell with pride.

He was safe with them, so whenever [Name] called for him, he’d listen. They had offered him a family he thought he would never get to have and he’d rather die than disappoint them now.


It was half past noon at the Golden house when Tartaglia made his arrival, he was running a little late but it was fine, after all The Guide’s main team didn’t arrive until the evening so he had until then.

He checked himself over in a handheld mirror he had once bought before one of these meetings and attempted to give it as an offering. It was cracked after that battle, Aether seemed to delight in crushing it underneath his shoes.

Regardless, Tartaglia kept it on hand, the cracks were stained with blood but he considered that a sign of good use.

He sighed to himself, hand moving down to his pockets to grab ahold of a new item he planned to offer to the team with the hope it could be of use. It was quite the pain to obtain so he hoped it would go to good use.

Upon learning of Their Grace’s unusual fascination with any items found in domains, he made it his personal goal to provide them with the best objects he could find, last time being one of those books the group had been gathering, this time he would offer a feather he had found within a chest, the blue shades starkly in contrast with the red on the tip. Perhaps he should set it to the side so it wouldn’t be ruined during the fight.

He had been told on several occasions that his obsession with gaining The Guide’s acknowledgement would lead to nothing but he had to try. Why you may ask? Tartaglia is a competitive soul, the idea of being the first Harbinger to gain this gods blessing was a tempting one indeed and with The Tarista having granted permission, that’s what he would do.

Zhongli had describe the feeling of their summon as a call from the sky and all of Teyat urging him to listen, Tartaglia was always willing to hear that call, to receive that strength, even if he simply answered in someone else’s place, the moment he heard it, he would come.

He needed that strength, that power that this god offered, most of all, he needed to be a part of their constant battles. 


As the clock sounded the hour, it pulled Klee’s attention away from the food she had on hand and towards the bag of her own she had left in the corner of the room.

With a glance towards Albedo, who was currently still eating after being pulled down to Knight of Favonius headquarters, she stood up and grabbed her bag. “I’ll be back soon!” She told him with a smile and he raised an eyebrow “Be careful, and please be back within the hour.”

She nodded and ran out the door, her steps echoing throughout the finely kept hallways.

She swore she planned to be back when Albedo told her to be but as her tests of fish blasting continued as the sun began to set, she eventually looked up towards the sky. 

It looked so peaceful and the world felt rather serene. She took a moment to prepare her next explosive when the sky lit up in beautiful shades of blue, purple highlights soaring through it all.

She grinned and set the bomb down gentle before plopping down on the grass around her, watching the stars streak through the sky, until she heard a voice behind her.


She whirled around, expecting to see Albedo standing there but instead was met with an unexpected sight.

The wind was flowing gently around her yet it whipped itself together in a humanoid shape, each leaf, piece of grass and fallen stick forming the shape of a person quite a bit taller than her. It seemed to smile and point upwards, towards the colorful sky. The wind spoke again. 

“Klee. Listen. Answer.”

She held her breath, not out of fear but in the attempt to hear what this person wanted and so she could answer what this person wanted to know.

Then she heard the sound from above. “C'mon, c'mon! Give me the chaos child!”

She fully looked upwards, staring into a purple star that shone across the sky once more, then the voice echoed again. “Oh c'mon! Just let me complete my collection of powerful children! Wait… that sounds wrong out of content. Please Hoyo, I just want the gremlin child! Let me make a chaos team. Come home Klee..”

She tilted her head in confusion and looked back towards the humanoid shape who point skywards once more. “Answer. Say yes. Go home.. Now.” The voice from the form changed from welcoming to cold and Klee flinched back, she looked towards another star and focused on it before muttering under her breath. “Yes… I’ll come home.”

She watched in awe as the star shifted from a blue to a golden and separated from the others.

A warmth flooded her body, blocking out the cold of the evening and she felt a joy fill her body. “AW YEAH! HEY KIDDO! NEXT UP ALBEDO FOR A FULL CHAOS TEAM!”

Klee smiled. She wasn’t scared and nothing in this world could or would hurt her anymore. She couldn’t wait to tell Albedo all about it.


Not sure what this is but I had fun! I don’t think this counts as a proper chapter but it sure was fun to write and I kinda wanna do more like this.

Taglist for random thoughts (this taglist is open but please be sure you want to be @‘ed everytime I have stupid self indulgent thoughts.)



Well, chapter twelve, genuinely didn’t think I’d get this far. So! Part 12 of The Guide!

The Guide is an SAGAU (Self aware genshin alternate universe) where [Name], instead of being the Creator of the world, is seen as a god who cares for Teyvat from their actions as the Player.

Also, I am closing the tag list for now. I may open it again in the future but for now, it’s closed and I am free.



If [Name] decided not to spare their pride for a moment, they would admit the fact that being in Razor’s presence was a bit awkward but luckily, or unluckily, depends on who you ask, [Name] was an expert in awkward situations.

“Thank you for helping me.” They told him which caused his head to jolt up and shake rapidly. 

“No, no, Guide helped Razor. Razor do the same!”

[Name] jolted at the level of anxiety in his voice and frowned before speaking again with as gentle a tone as they could. “I didn’t do very much, Razor, but you helped keep me safe, just like you always have… so thank you.” They gave him a smile in the hopes of easing his tense shoulders.

He only looked back at the cooking pot and frowned to himself before letting out a low rumbling sound. 

[Name] wasn’t sure where the information came from but they knew the feeling he was trying to get across, a feeling of debt and loyalty, but nothing was owed and [Name] had only ruined his life, hadn’t they?

But that didn’t stop them from trying to comfort or distract the teenager. “Well then, what are you working on?”

He gave a slight smile “Razor makes human food for Guide. Doesn’t know what you want…" 

They simply nodded, realizing communication would be a bit of a struggle. "Any kind of food sounds good and I’m sure it’ll taste good. I trust you on that.”

The mention of trust seemed to be what helped him the most, his formerly taut shoulders loosening and moving backwards as he moved himself in some sort of prideful upper body movement that [Name] wasn’t sure how to describe.

“Yes. Razor is trusted. Razor trusts Guide. We… friends?”

[Name] smiled. “Of course we’re friends if you want to be.”

Razor nodded, apparently satisfied with the development, as he adjusted something the pot that [Name] couldn’t quite see.

It was then that [Name] took his opportunity to ask some questions.

“How did you know where I was, Razor?”

“Teyvat told pack, pack told me. Teyvat told all that listen.” His response was mildly concerning but they supposed made sense, the system glitch or whatever that brought them here was likely felt by those in the world.

“What did Teyvat say?” They asked him slowly and winced at his reply.

“Said Teyvat’s owner here. Said Guide need be safe.”

Need be safe? [Name] thought to themselves. I’m always safe, when I’m actually faced with danger myself… my team can handle that.

“So Razor made Guide safe. Hilichurls are danger so stay with Razor.”

Razor’s voice shook them out of their thoughts but also caused some worry, the last thing they’d want now is to cause harm to any members of their team, especially on their behalf, so they shook their head.

“I hate to say it but I can’t constantly stay with you. You can visit me while I’m here but I really want to meet new people and staying in Wolvendom won’t let me do that.”

Razor seemed to take a minute to process that before speaking again “Razor will be with Guide. Guide need not be alone.”

[Name] chuckled at that. “You can’t go with me everywhere but I’d love to travel with you." 

He grinned a toothy grin and then redirected his gaze to the cooking pot. "Food almost done, then Guide eat.”

They sighed in resignation and nodded. “Yes. I’ll eat. I swear though, y'all have some plan on feeding me good food so much that I physically cannot eat anything else.”

Razor didn’t seem to be listening, instead going through the work of putting out the fire he was using to cook.

[Name] was half convinced people who cooked outdoors and made good food were the gods, not them, but they ignored the amusing passing thought and only watched in silence.

They took the time with Razor distracted to think through their game plan for the day.

‘One, I need to eat with Razor and get him relaxed enough that I can either bring him into Mondstadt or have him leave me be. Two, I need to return to Mondstadt and speak with Jean and Aether about how I’ll return to Earth. Three… See about completing the well this won’t be awkwardquest.’

Speaking of the well this won’t be awkward quest, [Name] was pulled from their thoughts to Razor offering them the now cooled down cooking pot.

“Wait, were you not gonna eat?”

Razor shook his head “Razor will not eat, food for Guide.”

[Name] groaned in annoyance and shoved the pot back at him. “Eat your fair share and then I’ll eat, you need food too. You’re a growing teenager for gods sake!”

Razor flinched back before slowly pulling the meal into his hands. “Thank you..” he told them, sounding a bit hesitant.

[Name] waved him off and instead focused on the sounds of the forest, with the sun coming up over the trees, the birds began their songs while other animals either started or ended their day depending on their habits.

It was beautiful to listen to, each chirp chiming together and relaxing them, they were almost certain they could understand the meanings of the sounds, as if they were in a crowd and making out conversations.

“Did you hear what the Windrise squirrels said?" 

"The Player! Teyvat calls for you!”

“ Aww, I understand Teyvat cares but why can’t we keep them?”

“Stupid two-legs, always stinking up the air with smoke.”

“I’m not explaining to Bluestar what I’m doing.”

“Wolf Child meets The Guide… How could you not enjoy the sight?”

Each conversation felt real, instead of imagining it, they felt as though they were truly understanding the conversations that they always wanted to.

It took a moment for Razor to finish eating but upon looking up, he gave a gentle smile at the sight of their confused expression.

“You hear them?” He asked, slightly amused.

“Hear what?” They questioned in return and glared slightly when he laughed.

“The creatures. The world. It likes you. You hear it?”

Realization dawned on them. They weren’t imaging their understanding, they honest to goodness could understand the words of the animals around them.

“Holy shit… Maybe I am a Disney princess after all.”

Razor tilted his head and opened his mouth to voice his confusion when a voice rang out from behind them. 

“Your Grace! Why on Teyvat did you run off?!”

[Name] turned to look behind them only to see a very worn out and panicked Aether with an exhausted Paimon floating behind him.

“[Name]… Please… Never run off like that again. I had to ask Teyvat where you were.” Paimon whined out her complaints as she reached [Name]’s side.

[Name] couldn’t help themselves from giving a full chested laugh. “HAHA! PFFT. It- hahah- its your fault you- pfft- didn’t wake up- hehe.” Their laughter slowed as they looked him in the eyes and saw just how concerned and frazzled he truly seemed.

Eyes wide without his scarf and his hair an absolute wreck, his clothes were twisted the wrong way and his shoes seemed to be moments from falling off his feet.

They stood slowly and walked over. “Aether… Hey, I’m sorry I worried you but I’m okay now, Razor kept me safe.”

What [Name] didn’t notice was the self assured grin Razor gave the blond.

Aether straighted his back and grabbed their hand. 

“We should head back to Mondstadt. Now. Acting Grandmaster Jean is ready to meet with you whenever you’re ready.”

[Name] grinned and turned back to Razor.

“Brilliant. Razor! Why don’t you come with us? You don’t have to if you don’t want and I promise I won’t leave you to your own devices!”

Their smile caught both of the boys off guard and the two quickly found themselves agreeing.

Paimon simply snickered before flying towards the path. “Well then, what are we waiting for? A yes? It’s not like Teyvat will ever tell it’s master no.”

[Name] glanced in Paimon’s direction as they followed the floating being down the road. “What do you mean by that? You keep referencing Teyvat as a living being.”

Paimon chuckled once more and sped up her flying, leaving the trio to attempt to catch up.


Okay so, this was a bit boring but I got it out there so chapter thirteen can some fun scenes.

Now then! Feel free to like, comment, send in an ask or even a request or reblog, or just click away if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just know I love seeing what you guys think of my work and thank you so much for reading!

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