#sailor moon smut fanfiction




Welcome to Sailor Moon Quickies! This is a low-stress, all fun mini-bang (emphasis on bang ) to write your 1st or 101st smut. Treat it as a warm up, treat it as a break from your current fic, treat it as a plunge into the wet, smutty deep end you’ve always wanted to try. This challenge is all about getting in (to the hilt?), getting hot, and having fun!

We are promoting early so you can pound out your Quickie at your leisure. Tag or @smquickies2022 during the main week, June 19-25, so that we can boost on Tumblr. Don’t forget to add to the AO3 collection as well.


  • Publish between June 19-25, 2022
  • Use any prompt as inspiration; do as many or as few as you like
  • 1k words or less
  • Rated M (fade to black, less detail) or E (all the detail) with any SM pairing(s)
  • Please announce rating and pairing before the readmore break
  • Add to AO3 Collection SM Quickies 2022
  • Share on Tumblr for a reblog - tag us at @smquickies2022 and use the tag #SMQuickies2022
  • Fanart / other mediums are also welcome!

Prompts (click for higher res)

[Prompts] 1. Appliances, 2. Glass, 3. Leather, 4. Grass, 5. Dressing Room, 6. Tabletops / Countertops, 7. Water, 8. Bath, 9. Lace, 10. Stainless Steel, 11. Picnic, 12. Brick

Me ready for this smut fest like
