#sailor moon witchcraft

The Crystal Star brooch has always been my favourite, even as a child. Something in the star imagery

The Crystal Star brooch has always been my favourite, even as a child. Something in the star imagery paired with the moon, and the shiny crystal inside. Simply beautiful. When I started learning about witchcraft and paganism in general back in my high school days, I found myself being fascinated in this same sense with the pentacle as well, thinking it  to be such a strong image. I finally realized when I started into my pop culture paganism that the two were interchangeable! I was blown away. I find it funny that the Soldiers represented inside of the brooch match the elements of the pentacle, even though some are in the wrong order (Fire/Mars, Air/Venus, Water/Mercury, Earth/Jupiter, Spirit/Moon).

This is a little image I threw together as a symbol of protection. All Sailor Soldiers are presented here as I have added the Outer Scouts (including Sailor Chibi Moon!) around the outer ridge. The center of the image is the moon for Sailor Moon of course, but like the brooch I like to visualize myself as the Silver Crystal on the inside, being powered up and protected by everyone surrounding me.

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 “Where there is Light, there is also Darkness. Darkness calls out to the Light, the Light cal

“Where there is Light, there is also Darkness. Darkness calls out to the Light, the Light calls out to the Darkness. Our Destinies are one.” - Sailormoon Stars; Act 59

Peace cannot be without chaos and light cannot be without shadow. It is this duality that makes the universe what it is. There will be darkness and light, battle and hope, life and death, happiness and sadness; everything will happen again and again. But at the end of it all, there is always hope for the future. It is up to us to embrace what comes to us in life, for it is the positive and the negative that shape our character. And as long as our stars keep shining, we will be alright - we won’t give up. We are all just lonely stars seeking to find one another. So embrace all, the light and dark within yourself and others around you. Embrace the world as the imperfect, wonderful place it is.

I like to take time to recognize this duality with this quick meditation exercise. Sit or lay down calmly with your eyes closed and trace the upright and inverted moon symbols on your forehead while saying:

There is light within me.
There is darkness within me.
True balance within me,
Guide me to my destined path.

Let the light not outshine me.
Let the darkness not devour me.
True balance within me,
Guide me down my destined path.

Often I find myself simply repeating “there is light within me/there is darkness within me/I will not give up” in my head as a quick grounding message when I’m feeling too depressed out in public spaces.


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