#sakata gintoki


For Day 4 #GintamaMSS2020

this Santa writer brings us a fanfic set in post-Courtesan of a Nation Arc with soft HijiGin and a winter festival! What becomes of their relationship? The santa behind this is… lifeofdeathh!!

Santa: lifeofdeathh

Read it here:

(that’s why Santa Gin is so sleepy…) and our favorite trio retires for bed. For our next santa reveal on Day 4 of #GintamaMSS2020, this artwork is from…. Nat!

Santa: Nat

We a lovely GinHiji in a beautiful winter landscape encased in a snow globe! It’s truly magical indeed! The santa behind this artwork is…. Seliaeden! 

Santa: Seliaeden

Santa Gin might be a bit sleepy today but it won’t ever stop him from opening Day 4 of #GintamaMSS2020! We’ll be treated to more santa reveals today, both artists and writers alike! Are you guys ready?!

Today may feel a bit short, but Santa Gin still had a lot of fun revealing Santas today! With that, we close our Day 3 of #GintamaMSS2020  filled with heartwarming fanworks from our Santas! Kudos and salute to everyone!

Santa Gin will tirelessly remind all revealed Santas to make sure to email their giftees in order for them to know who you are, as instructed of you in the rules.

Our fanfiction submissions are growing by the day! Are you ready to cry, squeal, laugh, and sigh?  Santa Gin is still mentally preparing himself HAHAHAHAH Face with tears of As always, thank you for the Santas who participated in the event, and to everyone witnessing it!

Yields us a beautiful artwork for GinHiji, all bundled up and enjoying each other’s company (does sleepy Gin-san make Hiji-kun nervous?) The wonderful santa behind this artwork is….. Kiki!

Santa: Kiki

[THREAD] #GintamaMSS2020 The end! Everyone clap for ourselves! we did it❤

 Enjoy the rest of the holiday! Read the note at the end please!

Yes, those are the mods closing remarks…Santa even has a screenshot #GintamaMSS2020

Note: #GintamaMSS2020 to those who haven’t received an email from their Santa and doesn’t know which one is their gift, comment down below or DM us, we will tell you which one is yours

#GinatamaMSS2020 The last reveal before i end the event!

Another Ginhiji fic! Lusting and hating omgThis one isn’t for kidsthis one is for the hard gh fans. A fic written by…Krizlynn!

Santa: Krizlynn

#GintamaMSS2020 Second reveal of the day!

A ginhiji highschool au! Read about (a horny lol) highschool boy gintoki struggle with his love life. Yes, even the handsome gin-san is struggling to get laidA work of…Krizlynn!

Santa: Krizlynn

(It’s not a scam, it’s fr this time) Celebration of christmas with zura! i’m surprise he didn’t use bombs as firecrackers That’s good! That’s great! The Santa behind this art is…Whoyoucallingtoshi!

Santa: Whoyoucallingtoshi


Reminder for the Santas who already got their turn for the reveal to email their giftee to let them know that the gift was for them and that you were their Secret Santa, thank you!


This is specifically for the giftees who hasn’t received their gift yet, but it can also be for everyone! I kind of felt bad so i drew a quick Santa Gin fanart, Have a great holiday everyone! - Mielko


Hello! it’s supposed to be the last day today, but we will be extending the event by a day. Also, if we do end the event and you still haven’t received your gift, your Santa will personally send them to you and would probably take more time due to personal circumstances. We are sorry The gifts will still be posted after they are done tho, so all the gifts will still be on the event social medias. Thank you to everyone! your participation is very much appreciated and happy holidays! #GintamaMSS2020

#GintamaMSS2020 Now this is just adorable!

Next Santa brings us a Takagin fanart! freezing their asses off lolol, but at least they got each other for warmth HAHAHAH Santa behind this artwork is…Ika/syo!

Santa: Ika/syo

#GintamaMSS2020 i agree with the title 100%

(but Santa, you’re a cheapstake-a simp) Ginhiji fans, what’s wrong with your mayora and his obliviousness? i’ll prob grow a brain before he even realize what i’m trying to say. Work of…Writing_in_sin

Santa: WIS

i gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic fi gotta keep tumblr updated too oopsall these are posted on my twitter @/wamuura!the reference pic f

i gotta keep tumblr updated too oops

all these are posted on my twitter@/wamuura!

the reference pic for imanotsurugi and iwatooshi:

Post link


gintoki, zura, and takasugi always needed shouyou

or tatsuma

for the three of them to be *relatively* peaceful together and with each other.

yeah *sniffs* needless to say, sakamoto tatsuma is the heart of joui 4 just as yoshida shouyou was to shoka sonjuku
