#sam and dixon lore



out of EVERYTHING , i want to know how sam and dixon met. like i know they were in the navy together but WHAT is the story with that. need to know


Sam: So, Dixon, … I just wanted to apologize for, y’know, all the tazings.

Dixon: You do?

S: Yea. But I also want you to know, I did it for you.

D: Are you insane?

S: Well, I know it sounds crazy, but look, you were the smartest tech I ever met in the Navy, you were also one of the good guys. Why’d you stop?

D: You can’t make-… You can’t make any money being one of those guys. You know how uh, they say “crime doesn’t pay?” [chuckle] They’re wrong.

S: Maybe, but you know, you’re better than that. You remember the last time I tazed you?

D: How could I forget? It was romantic. You threw me in the back of a chicken truck and drove me around the unpaved streets of Bogotá.

S: That’s not the part I wanted you to remember. I’m talking about the guys that you saved. The SEALs. Tell me that didn’t make you feel good.

D: Yea… I guess. 

S: Okay, so the tazing part hurt like hell, but I was hoping that that feeling made up for it.

D: [no comment, just gives Sam a rather sad and reflective look.]

S: [laughs and pats Dixon’s shoulder.] C’mon, now!
