#sam kiszka smut


Work Meetings - Sam Kiszka

A/N: This is a bit of a rollercoaster (just like my emotions rn ), but I’m happy with this! Eat up, my fellow Sammy sluts ❤️

WARNINGS:SMUT 18+!! MINORS DNI! dom!Sam AND soft Sam, forced orgasm, overstimulation, bondage, somewhat angry Sam, unprotected sex (wrap it up, pleaseeee). Etc, etc


“Y/N!” Sam’s voice boomed into the house, accompanied by the very loud slamming of your front door. “Where the fuck are you?!”

How did you end up in this predicament one might ask? Well, it started with a dirty exchange of messages between you and Sam.

A few more seconds went by and you finally heard his heavy footsteps nearing your bedroom. The adrenaline surging through you had your hands shaking, but you tried to gather yourself as quickly as you could.

Finally, the door was flung open, revealing a very red and irritated looking Sam.

“Hey, Sammy.” You innocently smiled, only making his face flame even more.

“Don’t you even start. What the fuck did you think you were doing??” Sam questioned, voice still loud and dripping with irritation.

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?” You played dumb, pretending not to know what you had done.

“You SENT ME PICTURES of you damn near NAKED, while I was IN A WORK MEETING!” Sam shouted, throwing his arms out for emphasis.

A heavy silence fell over the two of you. It was quiet enough to hear a pen drop downstairs from your bedroom. Sam was the first to break the silence.

“Y/N… You have five seconds to start explaining.” Sam warned, the volume of his voice lowering drastically.

You could already feel heat running through your body, a dull ache forming between your legs. This was exactly what you wanted.

A little mean if you? Sure. Sam looked so worked up it was painful. But it was soon to be worth it.

“I just wanted to show you how good I looked today.” You smirked, a hint of cockiness in your tone- Something that Sam usually possessed.

“Oh, really? And you chose to do it while I was stuck in a five hour meeting?!” He stepped a little closer to you, his volume raising back up.

“I didn’t know your meeting was gonna be that long.” You shrugged and he scoffed, not at all buying it. “Bullshit, Y/N. You did know, because I told you.” Sam snapped, glaring down at you.

Man, was he hot like this… Horny and irritated. A very common combination for Sam, so you’ve come to learn over the months of being with him.

“What am I gonna do with you…?” He walked the remaining gap between the two of you slowly, hands coming to your hips and pushing you towards the bed once he reached you.

“You won’t do shit, Sammy.” You provoked, knowing damn well he would. You just wanted to push his buttons a little more.

“You know, maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe I should just leave you right here, all needy and pathetic.” A whimper escaped your mouth at his words, and a smirk immediately tugged at Sam’s lips.

“That would be something, wouldn’t it? Maybe…” He shoved you back causing you to fall on to the mattress, leaning down to hover over you. “-Maybe I’ll just tie you up right here and tie that pretty vibrator you’ve been hiding from me between those beautiful legs, and leave you here.”

You couldn’t even stop to wonder how he’d discovered your vibrator. That was the last of what was on your mind. The filthy picture Sam had painted for you, rendered you completely speechless.

You looked up at him in utter shock, the pulsing ache between your thighs intensifying.

“Talk to me, petal.” he leaned in, placing a kiss just by your ear. “Pick your punishment. What should I do?” He asked, toying with the hem of your t-shirt. “Sammy…” you breathed, unable to even form a complete sentence. The thought of him making you choose your own fait for the evening, was enough to make your head spin.

“Go on. Tell me what I should do to you, Y/N.” He demanded, tone low and smooth as silk.

You gathered all the sense you had left to tell him.

“Tie me up, Sammy. Use my vibrator on me… Anything. Just don’t leave me.” The last part came as a plea.

“Oh, I wasn’t ever really planning on leaving you, baby.” he assured. “I wanna stay right here and watch you fall apart.”

You reached out for him, in an eager attempt to pull him in to meet your lips, but he stopped you. “Ah, ah. No touching.” He pushed your wrists away, leaning back from over you and turning towards the closet.

You watched him flip on the light switch, shuffling through some of his ties that he rarely ever wore and pulling one out.

“I thought you might like this one.” Sam smirked, holding up a pretty blue tie and walking back to the bed with it.

“Get up and take your clothes off.” He commanded, laying the tie down on the bedside table.

“Don’t you wanna take them off?” You innocently asked him and he shook his head no.

“You heard me, Y/N. Take. Them off.”

You crawled out of the bed and did as he told you. Removing each item of clothing painfully slow to tease him a little more. It was the last of the teasing you’d be doing for the night anyway. So you had figured you may as well make a good show of it.

“That’s right. Get all that teasing out of your system, petal.” Sam spoke, sounding all too cool and collected.

You would absolutely be lying if you said it didn’t make you crumble a little bit internally. But when your eyes raked over his body, his hardened length that was visibly straining against his jeans gave him away.

“Like it isn’t working.” you sassed, eyes boring right back into his to show you weren’t planning on backing down that easily.

“Don’t get smart with me. You’ve already dug yourself a pretty deep hole. I’d hate for you to fall in it.” he crossed his arms, cautioning you.

You both stood there, still as statues; eyes staring into each other’s souls in a silent battle of dominance. You knew good and well he was going to win, but you weren’t backing down without a little fight.

Sam slowly started walking towards you, his eyes darkening with each step. The intensity of his stare finally becoming too much for you and you looked away. He had you and he knew it. Hell, even you knew it.

“Giving up so soon?” He mocked, grabbing your hands and pulling you to the bed. “Lay down. Arms up.”

You caved, laying down into the softness that was Sam’s bed. Raising your arms up to the headboard, while he grabbed the tie.

Sam’s tone changed for a split second. “Look at me, Y/N.” his eyes locking on yours once again. “Are you sure this is okay?”

“I’m sure, baby… I’m positive.” you promised, giving him a confident, warm smile.

Sam took the tie in his hands, bringing it up and securing your hands together, then to the headboard. You gave your new restraint an experimental tug, finding that there was very little give to it.

Sam trailed his eyes from his beautifully tied knot at your hands, all the way down your body. Just to trail back up agonizingly slow from your feet.

Your heart pounding and body heating up under his gaze.

“So gorgeous all tied up and helpless for me. I could look at you like this all night.”

Glancing around the room quizzically, Sam disappeared back into the closet. By the sounds of shuffling drawers and boxes, you knew exactly what he was getting.

“Found it.” he said proudly, appearing back in the bedroom with a wicked grin.

He held up the toy, flicking it on just to torment you more and you jump slightly in your spot. He laughed at your helplessness.

“Relax, petal.” He walked back over to the bed, adjusting your legs and sitting in between them. “Color?”

“Green.” You replied confidently, locking your eyes with Sam’s, trying to anticipate what his first move was going to be.

Sam’s hands smoothed over your skin from your shins to your hips, leaving a fiery, tingling feeling in their wake. His body followed his hands, coming almost nose to nose with you.

“Kiss me, Sammy.” you tried to demand. Sam raised his eyebrows at you in amusement. “You’re not really in a position to make demands, now are you?” He leaned down a little closer to your face. You could just barely feel his the heat of his breath on your lips. You lifted up as much as your restraints would allow you, trying to connect your lips with his.

“Mm, I don’t think you deserve a kiss yet.” He dipped his head down, using one of his hands to cup your jaw and tilt your head back, placing kisses below your jawline. No biting, or sucking. Not even using his tongue, only gentle, quick kisses. Applying just enough pressure to have you begging for more.

He worked his way down slowly, not giving you the satisfaction of even a few nibbles to your skin, until he reached where your shoulder and neck meet. He bit into the skin there softly, drawing a sigh of frustration from you. “Sam, come on.”

“You’re so worked up already.” He touched the vibrator to the center of your belly and your body jumped from the sudden feeling.

“Sammy, please.” it sounded pathetic, but you couldn’t find it in you to care.

“Please what? Stop teasing you?” he questioned, faking a serious tone.

“Yes, please quit teasing me.” Even the most polite tone you could muster wasn’t good enough for him.

“Nope. I want you to know just how I felt all that time stuck in that meeting.” He rasped out. You were certain his voice dropped down a whole octave.

He switched the vibrator on, dragging it slowly from where it rested just below your bellybutton, up towards your chest. Your back involuntarily arched into the toy and Sam, making him chuckle. “Ah, stay still.” He told you, pushing you back down against the comforter. He held you in place with a firm hand on your hip.

“Sammy!” You squealed when he touched the vibrator to one of your hardened nipples. An amused, almost taunting smile forms over his lips. “Aw, is that too much for you, petal?” he chuckled almost evilly, repeating the same action to your other nipple.

You jerked away involuntarily. It was kind of a strange and intense pleasure. You’d never used your vibrator on other parts of your body, so the feeling was completely foreign to you.

“Sam-“ you tried to choke out through a moan.

He moved it away from your breasts, dragging it back down your sternum and stomach. He stopped just shy of your throbbing core. “I bet this is where you want it, isn’t it?” He asked you, a smirk adorning his face.

“Yes. Yes, Sammy, please.” You could faintly feel the vibrations, but not enough for even the tiniest bit of relief.

Without another moments thought, he brought it down to your dripping entrance, gathering some of the wetness pooling there and finally placing it over your clit.

“Oh, god-“ you moaned, tugging your tied hands. You wanted so badly to reach out and grab his wrist.

The vibrating shot through your whole body like electricity.

“Hmm… Let’s figure out a way to tie this to you.” Sam said, sounding like it was almost a suggestion- Even though you had absolutely no say in the matter.

He turned it off, laying it down beside you and getting up from the bed. He walked his earlier track back to the closet, searching around until he finally found one of his belts. Of course It wasn’t made for this sort of thing, but it would work. Hopefully.

He appeared back in your line of sight, holding it up with a smug smirk.

Sam climbed back in the bed, settling back in his previous spot between your legs. One of his favorite places to be, you were certain.

He spent what felt like forever messing around with the vibrator and belt, until he finally got it tightly secured against you. “Can’t move too much, petal… We don’t want it to come loose.” You nod, knowing good and well you wouldn’t be able to stay still. “Color, baby?”

“Still green, Sammy.” You assured him, watching his hand move to the switch of the vibrator and turning it on the lowest setting.

“Fuuck yes, Sammy.” Your soft moans of relief filled the air immediately. Sam watched you, growing even harder at the sight of you. Part of him hated that he wasn’t exactly the one making you feel good and he wanted to quit the antics and fuck you right then. But, he decided against it- Feeling like you deserved a major taste of your own medicine.

After a few minutes of listening to your barely audible moans and taking note that you weren’t quite squirming the way he wanted, he leaned forward. “I think this needs to go a little higher.” He turned it up, sending a much higher level of vibration directly into your clit.

“Fucking hell, Sammy!” A significantly louder moan tore from your lungs and a pleased smile formed on his all too smug face.

“There we go… That’s all you needed, huh?” Sam teased, getting up from the bed.

“Sam, y- you said you wouldn’t l-leave!” You manage through your constant whimpering and moaning, panic written all over your face.

“Shhh, petal. I’m just gonna sit right there and watch you. Just like I said I was gonna do.” He pointed to the black loveseat in the corner of your bedroom. “Sammy, please.” You beg. but you’re not quite sure what for.

Sam only chuckled at you lowly, reaching down to bump the up the setting once more, before sauntering over to the chair.

The new setting; switching between a few seconds of solid vibrations and a quick pulsating rhythm, had you lurching forward and the knot in your stomach tightening.

“Fuck, no! Sam, please I- I need you right here, please!” You begged, clinging to your last few moments of composure, before your first orgasm was soon to take over.

“Sucks doesn’t it, petal? Can’t touch me, can’t feel my fingers inside you…” You groaned at his verbal tormenting, but tried to focus on the pleasure your toy was providing you. “That’s it… Let go. Cum for me, baby.”

You first orgasm snapped inside you like an overstretched rubber band. Your back arched away from the bed- loud, high pitched moans falling from your lips almost constantly.

Coming down from your high, you were seeking out a moment to recover, Only to find the vibrating hadn’t stopped and wouldn’t be anytime soon.

“S-Sam, aren’t you gonna- gonna let me have a break?” you choked out breathlessly and he shook his head “Nope.” was all he said, smirking at your already sweaty, flushed body.

“S-Sam, come on. That’s not fair!”

you whined in protest. “It wasn’t fair to me when you sent those pictures. Be a big girl and take it.” He shot in a sharp tone.

Three more orgasms later, you could barely think even straight. Body trembling and thrashing, pornographic, loud cries of pleasure being ripped from your lungs. Sam’s name being pretty much the only word you could remember.

“Sam- Sammy! Plea-please!” You cried, hot tears streaming down your face in a constant stream. “I can’t t-take it! I’m b-begging you-“ Your words sputtered out in little hiccups, with broken moans mixed in.

Sam seemed to take pity on you in that moment, getting up from his spot on the loveseat and walking over to the bed. Before he even had a chance to turn it off, you fell completely silent through another orgasm.

He took his former spot in the middle of your legs, immediately shutting off the vibrator and removing it from your body completely.

“Shhh, petal. Can I touch you so I can untie you?“ He carefully asked sitting the toy on the nightstand. His dominant demeanor faded and was quickly replaced with a calm, sweet, but still firm and strong one.

All you could manage for him was a soft nod.

He reached up, pulling the knot loose and taking your wrists gently into his hands. You relaxed under his soft touch, breathing finally calming down.

“Are you okay, Y/N?” His eyes scanned over your face, waiting patiently for your answer.

“I’m okay, Sammy..” you answered, voice just above a whisper.

He continued to study your eyes, a small smile forming over his lips when you reach up to cup his cheek.


“Yea, petal?” he was giving you his undivided attention and it made your heart swell in your chest. “I need you.”

Without a second of hesitation, Sam’s lips were on yours in a needy, frantic kiss. His hands traveled up your arms from where they had still been cradling your wrists, up to your face.

He pulled away after a few more moments, tugging on your bottom lip as he drew back. “Are you sure you can handle it? I just put you through a lot…” He trailed off with a shit-eating grin, gesturing to your center that was without a doubt still soaked.

“I think I can handle it, as long as you’re gentle.” You giggled, gliding your hands along his shoulders softly.

Gentle, slow sex with Sammy was something you rarely got. Granted, this was an interesting turn- given he was absolutely dominating you just 15 minutes ago, but you weren’t going to complain. Sammy always kept you on your toes and you loved that.

“I mean, I probably won’t get off again… but at least you will.” you smirk, hand snaking between your bodies to his painfully hardened dick.

You palmed it gently, causing a animalistic groan to erupt from Sam.

“Fuck- quit or I’ll cum right here in my pants.“ he hissed, swatting your hand away.

He undid the button of his jeans, frantically fumbling around to get them off.

“Slow down, Sammy..” you ran your fingers through his hair, willing him to take his time. He closed his eyes for a moment, regaining his composure and returning his attention back to you.

“I’m gonna make sure you’re still wet enough to take me. Okay, petal?” His hand massaged at your thigh, awaiting your approval to touch your still slightly sensitive core.

“I’m okay, baby. Go ahead.” You encouraged, spreading your legs open a little more for him.

“Think I can get one more orgasm out of your pretty cunt, Y/N?” He questioned, dragging his finger through your folds that were indeed still drenched. A shaky breath fell off his lips at how wet you still were.

“I think I can do one more…”

You whimpered when he slowly slid in a single finger, keeping it completely still to be sure you weren’t too sensitive.

Once you gave him the okay, he pumped his finger in and out a couple times. After a few curls of his finger, he removed them from you, bringing them up to his mouth and sucking them clean.

“So, so hot, Sammy.” His cheeks tinted the most subtle shade of pink. If you hadn’t been looking at him so closely, you would have surely missed it.

“And You’re my pretty girl. Aren’t you?” You opened your mouth to answer, but gasped instead as Sam pushed into you slowly. “Of course you are.” He answered for you.

“Yes, Sammy. So perfect.” you whimpered out, taking a moment to adjust to him, before finally telling him that he can move.

He set a slow but deliberate pace. Each thrust he delivered was deep and purposeful.

He dropped down onto his forearms, laying his head against your shoulder as you played with and tugged at his hair. It was one of the sweetest moments you’d ever had with Sam and there wasn’t much keeping tears from forming in your eyes.

“You feel so good wrapped around me. So, so good, petal.” he praised, picking up the speed of his thrusts the tiniest bit. One particularly deep thrust hit your sweet spot perfectly. “S-Sam, right there-“ you choked out through a moan, fingers tightening in his hair and He groaned in result of the action. “Shit, do that again.” He demanded.

You repeated the action, pulling just a little harder than the first time.

A loud moan sounded from him and his pace faltered for a split second.

“I’m so- close.” He grunted out. “Think you can cum one more time for me, petal?” He asked, hand sneaking between your bodies and ghosting over your clit. “I can try.”

A strangled cry ripped from you when Sam’s calloused fingertips fully connected with your clit, rubbing quick and tight circles.

“Come on, you can do it, baby.” Sam encouraged, fighting to hold off his own high for a little longer.

A strange feeling started to form in the pit of your stomach, one that you weren’t familiar with. It didn’t feel like the normal feeling you’d get before your highs. You grabbed at Sam’s wrist frantically, attempting to stop him. “Sammy, I don’t- I can’t- I feel close, but it feels weird??” You rush out and Sam shakes his head.

“Don’t hold it back. Feel it, pretty girl. I’ve got you..” You did as he said, trying to let your body feel whatever it was that was building inside you.

“There you go. That’s my girl… now let go for me.”

As if your body was waiting for his permission, the knot in your stomach exploded. Your body fell into the most euphoric state you’d ever been in: Stars taking over your vision, your body buzzing with such intense pleasure, it didn’t even feel like you were inside your own body anymore.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Sam’s moans and curses reached a volume much like when he had stormed through the bedroom door earlier.

Coming down from your high, you could feel how sloppy and slow Sam’s thrusts had become.

He stilled inside you, panting heavily and shaking above you- Almost identical to the current state you were in yourself.

“You… I… You’ve never done that before…” Sam panted out in shock and you knit your eyebrows together in confusion.

“Haven’t done what?” You questioned, glancing between your bodies for any clues to what he was getting at. He looked up at you attentively, taking your hand in his and guiding it between your two bodies. When your hand reached where you and Sam were connected, you gasped- His stomach and thighs were soaked in your sweet cum. “Oh my god… Was this from me?”

“Yep. I had a feeling your were gonna squirt, that’s why I told you to keep going.” He explained and your mouth fell open slightly.

Carefully, he pulled out of you and both of you hissed from the over-sensitivity. “Are you okay, Y/N?”

“Couldn’t be better. I’m sorry for teasing you all day.” while it was completely sincere, you couldn’t help the wide smile that took over your face. Sammy rolled his eyes at you playfully. “Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you are.” You giggled at that, shoving him lightly.

“I think I should get you cleaned up, petal.” He said getting up from the bed. Once he was standing, he offered you his hand. “Come on, I’m gonna run us a bath. That sound okay?”

The smile that formed over your face was so big, that your cheeks started to hurt. Nodding, you took his hand and let him pull you up to your feet, steadying you when your legs wobbled beneath you.

“I think that last one really did me in.” You giggled and he laughed with you, walking with his arm hooked with yours, to the bathroom. “I mean, you did just get off at least 5 times..”

You made it into the bathroom, resting against the sink while Sam turned on the water, pouring in a couple different bath salts. He grabbed two towels and laid them beside you.

Once the water was ready, you stepped in carefully and sighed at the instant relief the hot water provided you. Sam followed soon after, settling in behind you. Pulling you into his chest, he rested his chin on your shoulder, occasionally pressing soft kisses to your jaw.

You both stayed like that for a while; silent and content in each other’s presence.

Sam was the first to speak up after a few minutes. “Y/N?”

“Yeah, babe?” you shifted around slight so you could see him.

Sam leaned up a little closer, barely grazing his lips against your ear. “Next time you wanna tease me, don’t do it while I’m in a 5 hour meeting.”

Y’all aren’t ready for this Sammy fic
