#sam the baker


I think Jaskier and Sam (the baker) should kiss.

Sam the Baker mildly regrets asking Jaskier to sing something to promote the bakery when Jaskier just modifies his current popular song.


Of Bakers and Bards

Sam the Baker gets a surprise visitor in the morning. A visitor in need of a bit of a pep talk.

Read on Ao3

Rest of the Ao3 Sam the Baker collection

Life as a baker meant early, early mornings. 

Sam was always up before the sky started to shift into the dusky faded gray of the morning. There were usually a few pinpricks of stars to accompany him as he stepped out of his small home above the bakery, walking down the stairs to begin his work. The mornings were quiet at this hour, but if you strained your ears, you could faintly make out the chatter of life in the city. Guards shouting in the city center periodically, the buzz of the fish market setting up at the docks, the cracking of cart wheels across the cobblestone streets.

Sam rubbed his sleeves against the slight chill in the air as he reached the bottom of the stairs and unlocked the door to the bakery. There was a waft of warm, sweet air that washed over him, as it did every morning, and he smiled softly. He enjoyed what he did, enjoyed that he didn’t have to spend his days arms deep in stinking fish or accosting criminals. He shut the door behind him, lit the lantern hanging on the wall, and started to get to work.

It was maybe about twenty minutes later, Sam was deep in the middle of kneading another batch of bread, several loaves already baking in the oven, when he heard something outside the door, muffled cursing, shuffling feet, somebody knocking up against the outside. Sam paused in his kneading, watching the closed door. The alley that his door let out into was a dead end from the street, blocked by a wall that was difficult to make out due to the shadows cast by the roof. Sam had a growing suspicion that whoever was out there, may not have realized that. 

“Fucking, fucky fuck…. this is just fantastic.”

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I’m making my contribution to the STBFU (Sam the Baker Fandom Universe).

Also, I’m making a decision for myself that the ship name is Saskier. I can’t do Jam. Generic word ship names are horrible in the tags, and while I love that it’s food themed, I just can’t do it. Plus Saskier is fun to say. The rest of you don’t have to use Saskier, but that’s what I’m gonna use. If I ever do anything for this hilarious and adorable ship again lol

Here’s the Ao3 collection for the other Sam the Baker fics.

Aaaaannnyyyways… here’s just a short little whatever.

The Sweetest Thing

Read on Ao3. Words: 2078

Jaskier stared at the bun sitting on the counter. It was wrapped delicately with a thin white cloth, the top of it glistening with a sweet smelling glaze, and a wisp of steam was snaking off its surface into the air. There was a folded sheet of paper resting underneath it. Jaskier looked around the empty tavern. He had gone into the back room for maybe five minutes, hearing nothing, and came back out to find this mysterious bun just sitting there, waiting for him. With his line of work, he should probably be more suspicious, it could be poisoned or cursed or… just really gross, or something, but the smell of it cut through his still slightly alcohol soaked brain, and went straight into his heart, his soul. Whoever had made this, had put time and effort and care into it.

He walked hesitantly forward, brushing his fingers over the folder paper. There wasn’t any sort of immediate reaction, no burst of magic or flame or weirdness at all. Just dry, normal paper. He slipped his fingers underneath the bun and pulled the paper out, unfolding it carefully, and cocked his head to the side as he read the scrawling print that looped across the page.

To the talented bard, Jaskier,

I hope that this simple offering does not come across as too forward or invasive. I have attended your performances for the past two weeks, and have found myself entranced by the skill that you present so freely to us, your audience. It has left me feeling indebted, for you to gift such artistry to us with only pedestrian coin to be given in return. Not that coin is unwanted, I surely have not been keeping my pockets filled after seeing your performances. I have a small bakery nearby, and while the fruits of my labor may not sound as sweet as the strum of your lute or the sound of your voice, I hope that the sweetness of the flavor will bring you some joy and comfort as you have done for me and so many others.



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